Hurt Wins 5th Congressional District Seat; Perriello Carries Nelson

Screen Grab Courtesy of NBC29 Charlottesville : 5th District Congressman Tom Perriello in his concession speech Tuesday night.
Tuesday night's final tally: Hurt (R) won with 119,241 votes; Perriello (D) had 110, 561 votes, and Clark (I) had 4973 votes.

Nelson County, Virginia
Larry Sabato was right. 5th District Congressman Tom Perriello (D) lost his reelection bid Tuesday night against Robert Hurt (R). Though Perriello lost the district overall, he won Nelson County easily. View the complete breakout of precinct results for Nelson County by clicking here.

Screen Grab Courtesy of NBC29 Charlottesville : 5th District Congressman Tom Perriello in his concession speech Tuesday night.

Perriello’s election night statement:

“I congratulate Senator Hurt and, along with my team, will do everything we can to ensure a smooth transition. It has been a tremendous honor to serve the people of the 5th district and I am so proud of the work we’ve done. Real change is not something that is measured in a year or two; I believe that our actions will ripple out for years to come. The best kind of politics is one that puts a sense of problem-solving ahead of political points, and I’m proud to have tackled the tough problems of our community and nation. We faced the brink of a depression and turned that around into nine straight months of private-sector job growth. I’ll continue to find ways to serve my community and my country with anyone from any party or organization who is serious about rebuilding the middle-class and the next great American decade.


  1. Nelson County, get with the program! Put away the Birkenstocks purchased in the peoples republic of Cville and get to work.

    Good riddance to the guilt ridden Boy Scout Human Rights lawyer. Look for BO to reward the comrade’s lockstep voting with a position in the regime…maybe in the obamacare propaganda division.

    Can’t wait for 2012 when we’ll fire one of our two lefty senators and the CINC, too.


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