Tough Night For Nelson’s First Home Game : 9.18.10

All photos by Paul Purpura : ©2010 : Jerome Glover (#3) a junior at NCHS goes mid air this past Friday night during the Govs first home game here in Nelson. Click any photo to enlarge.
All photos by Paul Purpura : ©2010 : Jerome Glover (#3) a junior at NCHS goes mid air this past Friday night during the Govs first home game here in Nelson. Click any photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

Not a good night for the Nelson County High Governors. Madison County won the evening easily by a score of 56-27.

The NCHS GOvernors take to the field this past Friday night, September 17, 2010 at their first home game.
The NCHS Governors take to the field this past Friday night, September 17, 2010 at their first home game.

So far the firts two games of the season haven’t been kind to The Govs. In their first game of the season last week against the Riverheads, they lost by a score of 55-35.

NCHS tried as best they could to keep Madison County from advancing.
NCHS tried as best they could to keep Madison County from advancing.

Next week The Govs will take on Lunenburg Central here at home.

Scroll for more photos that Paul grabbed at this past Friday night’s game.

NCHS vs Madison County - 800

NCHS vs Madison County - 731

NCHS vs Madison County - 504

NCHS vs Madison County - 045

NCHS vs Madison County - 136


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