Low 100’s Likely Saturday : 7.23.10

The high temperature Thursday afternoon was 99.5° (100°) reached at 6:03 PM in the evening. High temps will be at least that hot on Friday and Saturday with some areas in the low 100's. Click image to enlarge.
The high temperature Thursday afternoon was 99.5° (100°) reached at 6:03 PM in the evening. High temps will be at least that hot on Friday and Saturday with some areas in the low 100's. Click image to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia
We’ve pretty much highlighted weather all week here at NCL. It’s hot! It’s also summer, so it’s supposed to be. On Thursday the afternoon high reached 100° at 6:03 PM in the evening. Technically it was 99.5° but that is always rounded up, of course. And again, if you can tell the 1/2 degree degree difference, be sure to let me know! On Friday it was 98° here at NCL.

Saturday will be an equally hot day with the likelihood of even hotter temps. Some areas will see the low 100’s Saturday. A Heat Advisory was is in effect from noon Friday until 9PM, with another one likely to be issue on Saturday.

While there is a chance for a lone thunderstorm or two in the afternoon hours, chances are minimal until the second half of the weekend.

Some minor relief may arrive Sunday with the chance for scattered thunderstorms. Behind that system afternoon highs into early next week will be in the upper 80’s vs the upper 90’s and 100°.

Tommy’s Audio Weather by clicking here.


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