Board Of Supervisors – Minutes : 7.13.10



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Tommy Harvey and Mr. Allen Hale

PIEDMONT VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE: President Friedman reviewed the past year, noting 264 Nelson residents having taken classes at PVCC. Nineteen high school graduates attended following Nelson graduation last June; 55 NCHS students took dual enrollment classes, averaging 7 credits per student; and 105 Nelson residents took at least one course over the internet. Mr. Friedman reported work beginning on a Culinary Arts program with a teaching kitchen which should be completed within 12-18 months. PVCC is also working toward a 20,000 sq ft child care center on campus.

VDOT REPORT: Mr. Randy Hamilton and Mr. Don Austin reported on the following:

– Rt. 151 turn lane project – estimated completion date at end of September;

– Rt. 641 Eades Lane and Rt. 726 Donahue Lane projects should begin within 1-2 weeks;

– Rt. 6/Rt. 634 Old Roberts Mountain Lane turn lane public hearing in August.

COURTHOUSE PROJECT/CONNECTOR: Mr. Carter presented a proposal from Wiley Wilson for development of schematic design documents and final design drawings for $20,800 for the connector between the second stories of the 1945 and 1960 buildings with a ramped corridor between the two. The connector would have a sloped metal standing-seam roof. Estimated construction costs are $200,000-$230,000 including contingency and design.

BROADBAND AUTHORITY: Mr. Johnson suggested that the positions on the County’s Broadband Authority should be advertised and filled. Mr. Bruguiere said that he would prefer to oversee this Authority. Mr. Hale said that the people who do have the knowledge, have a conflict of interest. Ms. Brennan suggested bringing back the advisory committee that began this project. She said she would prefer to review the bylaws before making a decision about members of the Authority. Mr. Carter said that, at some point, the Authority may have a role in the project but that the staff is able to make the decisions with the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Hale said that people who would directly benefit from this system should not be on the Authority but could be involved by their input. Board agreed by consensus to remain on the Authority with an advisory committee of 5-6 people.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: Mr. Carter reported on the following –

– Faber Collection Site is open and operating; from June 27th to July 7th only one solid waste compactor was pulled with approximately 8.5-9 tons-a substantial reduction in waste volume.

– Broadband Project – Icon Engineering chosen from 13 responding firms for engineering and management services.

– TRES/RRES Roof & Window repair project – construction contract in process. Final project schedule pending.


– Appointed Ms. Joan Giles unanimously to the NC Social Services Board;

– Reappointed Mr. E. Weston Matthews unanimously to the Region Ten Community Services Board; and

– Reappointed Dr. Benjamin Brown unanimously to the JABA Board of Directors.


Mr. Johnson asked that staff gather some regional “dogs at large” ordinances for consideration by the Board. Mr. Bruguiere suggested that the draft be close to the Wintergreen ordinance to provide uniformity.

Mr. Johnson also suggested staff gather some regional ordinances on dangerous houses, noting that the county does not want to incur costs but does want to be able to respond to safety issues. Ms. Brennan said that she wants to make sure we have an ordinance that does not require us to deal with a house but does allow us to if a safety issue. Mr. Carter suggested that Mr. Payne and Mr. Thompson come before the Board to report on options.

CLASS III PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATION TOWER/SPECIAL EXCEPTION: Nelson County has applied for a permit to construct a 120-foot monopole tower to be located on a portion of the Nelson County Courthouse property. The special exception is being requested to reduce the required two-mile distance between the proposed tower and the other Class II and III communication towers. The request includes a reduction of the fall area required at 156.25 feet to 117 feet. Mr. Boger noted that the structures on the Brown property are outside the 117 feet fall zone. Landscaping will be included in the overall Courthouse project. With no public comment, Supervisors voted 5-0 to approve the permit with the exception noted.

PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT/ARTICLE 10. GENERAL FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT: Mr. Boger reported that FEMA had noted several definitions that needed to be revised in the newly adopted ordinance. With no public comment, Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt the proposed amendments.

PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT/ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS/ARTICLE 12 GENERAL PROVISIONS/ARTICLE 13 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ARTICLE 16 AMENDMENT AND REZONING: Mr. Boger presented the proposed amendments to streamline the site plan and zoning permit process. With no public comment, Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt the proposed amendments.

PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENTS/MISCELLANEOUS: Mr. Boger presented several “housekeeping” amendments including wording and state code references. With no public comment, Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt the proposed amendments.

Meeting adjourned.

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