Panel Discussion & Presentation of Gifts To Museum Of History : 7.12.10

©2010 : Bob Carter (left) Community Svcs Dir VA Department of Historic Resources moderates a panel discussion Sunday afternoon at the Nelson Library. Tommy Stafford (hidden next to Carter) Publisher of NCL, Lynn Coffey, writer & publisher of Backroads magazines & Backroads (book), along with Paul Saunders, author of Heartbeats of Nelson, answer questions from the audience.
©2010 : Bob Carter (left) Community Svcs Dir VA Department of Historic Resources moderates a panel discussion Sunday afternoon at the Nelson Library. Tommy Stafford (hidden next to Carter) Publisher of NCL, Lynn Coffey, writer & publisher of Backroads magazines & Backroads (book), along with Paul Saunders, author of Heartbeats of Nelson, answer questions from the audience.

Nelson County, Virginia

Sunday afternoon three people from different walks of publishing life in Nelson County took part in a panel discussion at the Nelson Library as a part of a program by The Oakland Museum Program Committee and the Nelson County Historical Society. Lynn Coffey, writer and publisher of Backroads magazines and Backroads (book) presented the museum with copies of her highly popular Backroads magazine from 1981 to 2006. The boxes of magazines chronicle 25 years of valuable history from the county. Paul Saunders, author of Heartbeats of Nelson and historical society board member, provided input on the writing of his book and its importance. Tommy Stafford, Nelson County Life Publisher, donated copies of the magazine from its beginning in 2005 until present. Five years worth so far. The three were part of a panel talking about how each of their lives lead them to end up writing some form Nelson history.

Lynn Coffey, left, and Paul Saunders chat before the panel discussion Sunday afternoon.
Lynn Coffey, left, and Paul Saunders chat before the panel discussion Sunday afternoon.
Peter Agelasto, who introduced Sunday's program,(right) talks with Paul Saunders after the panel discussion.
Peter Agelasto, who introduced Sunday's program,(right) talks with Paul Saunders after the panel discussion.

Though Lynn Coffey was able to secure a complete set of her 25 years of Backroads Magazine to gift to the museum, she is still requesting people that may have a complete set or partial copies from 1981-2006 get in touch with her. The magazine will be give to historical archives. You can call Lynn at: 540.949.0329 for more info and to arrange pickup or mailing expense.


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