Stone Soup Live Music – Dr Levine & the Dreaded Blues Lady


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Dr. Levine and The Dreaded Blues Lady is comprised of Lorie Strother on vocals and Stephen Levine on guitar. This energetic duo performs a diverse selection of acoustic blues music styles primarily from the 1920s and 1930s with a sprinkling of contemporary blues. Corey Harris has called Strother “a real blues woman [who’s] got soul,” Carl Larsen of the Daily News Leader states that Lorie “sings the real true blues & with a big booming, bluesy voice.” Stephen Levine is a historian at the University of Virginia who studies and teaches about the evolution and cultural significance of blues music. Patrick Bagley of the Franklin Journal describes Stephen’s guitar playing as “powerful” with “biting slide guitar work.”
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No cover charge, donations graciously received. Space limited. Call for reservation. Stone Soup Books and Café, 908 W. Main St., Waynesboro 540-943-0084,

Event Date: Friday 16th of July 2010 06:00 PM

Location/Address: Stone Soup Books & Cafe, 908 W Main St Waynesboro VA 22980

Contact Telephone Please call 540-943-0084 for more information