Sunny & Nice Here. It Could Be Lots Worse : 5.5.10

Photo Courtesy Of Doug Viar : Four feet of flood water stands in this West Tennessee Dairy Queen. River levels have matched or surpassed the great flood of 1937.
Photo Courtesy Of Doug Viar : Four feet of flood water stands in this West Tennessee Dairy Queen. River levels have matched or surpassed the great flood of 1937.

Dyer County, Tennessee
That picture is the place I would pull up as a teenager and order 3 small hamburgers, just ketchup. We didn’t have a Krystal or White Castle in those days, just the DQ. Over 2 decades later I would still stop by that drive thru window from time to time on my 1.5 hour commute to Memphis to do weather on television. Power food for the road.

This past weekend our neighbors in both Nashville and to the west received unprecedented flooding. It’s the most seen since 1937. Back in 1937 they didn’t even have the levees in place they do today. Still, it was more than any man made pile of dirt and gravel could stand. For 20 years I covered floods in the mid-south, but not one like this. This is bad. Read bad.

While we enjoy some of the best weather yet this Wednesday, please remember the tens of thousands of folks to our west that have no power, have no home, have little hope today. It will get better, just not very soon.

Enjoy the sunshine and warmth here in the beautiful mountains of Virginia, but remember our neighbors there …


  1. Thanks for the story, Tommy. Maybe they will be able to salvage it. We all have had fond memories of going and eating at this place. It’s still a major mess today everywhere you look in this county.

    Brian in Dyersburg, TN


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