Board Of Supervisors : 4.13.10


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr.
Allen Hale and Mr. Tommy Harvey

TJPDC RURAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN: Mr. Steve Williams reported that VDOT is in
the process of updating their long-term transportation plans and will be
including rural area plans. He presented a list of county roads and
intersections and asked that the Supervisors consider their priorities for
road improvements. Mr. Williams said that he would return to the regular May
meeting to receive Board priorities to be included in the plan.

FY11 GENERAL FUND BUDGET: Staff noted that the state will be cutting their
portion of funding for constitutional offices for May 28th as a cost-saving
measure. Mr. Carter reported that the county would have to decide whether to
allow those employees a furlough day or to pick up the expense of paying
those employees. Mr. Hale said that the county is already supplementing
funding for the constitutional offices. Supervisors discussed whether to
include county employees in the one-day unpaid holiday. Ms. McCann reported
that a full-day furlough would result in a savings of $4,740 for county
employees and $6,136 for constitutional office employees for a total of
$10,876. Ms. Brennan said that she would be inclined to forget the furlough.
Mr. Hale said that if there were substantial savings given the budget
challenges, he would be willing to do it. Mr. Bruguiere said that if the
county were to furlough the constitutional office employees, the county
employees should be furloughed too. He said that for the amount saved, the
county should probably just forget it. Supervisors agreed by consensus that
there would be no furlough for county or constitutional offices.

Supervisors requested information on the Sheriff’s motor pool prior to a
final decision on eliminating the funds for the purchase of 3 new cars this
year. Funding for senior meals tabled for additional information. DARE
program funding ($12,000) eliminated from the Sheriff’s budget. JAUNT
funding increased to $59,952. Nelson Library funded at $246,648. RHOP Dental
program funded at $12,000. MACAA Project Discovery eliminated (-$7,660);
Community Outreach funded at $13,000 and Head Start funded at $3,037 (total
funding $22,254). All changes made by consensus resulted in a reduction of

Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt a resolution setting the Personal Property
Tax Relief for tax year 2010 at the following rate (the same as last year):

• Qualified vehicles with an assessed value of $1,000 or less will be
eligible for
100% tax relief;
• Qualified vehicles with an assessed value of $1,001 to $20,000 will be
for 55%tax relief;
• Qualified vehicles with an assessed value of $20,001 or more shall be
eligible to
receive 55% tax relief only on the first $20,000 of assessed value; and
• All other vehicles which do not meet the definition of “qualifying”
(business use
vehicle, farm use vehicle, motor homes, etc.) will not be eligible for any
form of
tax relief under this program.

SCHOOL REPAIRS: Supervisors discussed the report from the School Board on
the replacement of the Tye River roof (approximately $500,000); and window
replacement at both Tye River and Rockfish River Elementary. All projects
estimated at $750,000-$1,265,000. Further discussion tabled to allow
Supervisors to meet with the School Board on April 15th at 5pm at the Middle
School Library.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: Mr. Carter reported on the following:

– Faber Collection Site: construction has resumed with substantial
completion by June 5th;
– Broadband Project: county awarded $1,826,646 in ARRA funding (local
match of $457,000 required);
– Artisan Trail Project: initial project requirements submitted to VA-DHCD
followed by agency’s notice on 3/31 that county proceed with next steps to
secure $15,000 planning award.

VDOT SIX-YEAR PLAN: Mr. Mike McCormack presented a draft plan that included:

Regular Construction Projects:
– Rt. 6/Rt. 634 Turn Lane
– Rt. 6/639 Turn Lane
– Rt. 617 Rockfish River Road

Unpaved Construction Projects (Rural Rustic Roads):
– Glenthorne Loop (Rt. 627)
– Phoenix Road (Rt. 661)
– Pigeon Hill
– So. Powells Island
– Ennis Mountain (Rt. 611)

With no public comment, Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt the plan.

considered an amendment to raise the license fee from $20.00 to $30.00 for
vehicles and $8.00 to $13.00 for motorcycles. During public comment, Mr.
Dennis Kinkaid, Embly’s Gap Road, said that he has 13 vehicles, at least 8
of which are antique cars, and asked the Supervisors to reconsider
increasing the fee. Mr. Bo Delk, Roseland, said that he has four vehicles at
home and at least 15 vehicles for his business, resulting in an additional
$190-$200 in fees. He said that he knows that the county needs money, but
asked that they consider raising money some other way. He reminded the Board
that several years ago, the county increased the tax on the electric bill
for businesses from $3 to $10.

Mr. Bruguiere said that the Board had looked hard at increasing this fee
rather than raising the real estate tax rate. He said that the county does
not have a lot of ways to raise revenues. Mr. Hale said that the increase is
fair and reasonable, and shared by all residents. Ms. Brennan said that the
Board looked at all options to find an equitable way to raise revenues. Mr.
Johnson said that the state has failed to meet its responsibilities so the
county has had to find ways to maintain quality of life.

Mr. Carter reported that the proposed increase would go into effect June 5,
2010. He said that it would result in $118,000 for the General Fund this
year and $150,000 for the General Fund in FY10-11. Supervisors voted 5-0 to
adopt the amendment to increase the local license fees.


Supervisors voted 5-0 to appoint Ms. Connie Brennan to the JABA Board of

Meeting continued to Thursday, April 15th at 5:00pm at the Nelson Middle
School/High School for a joint meeting with the School Board.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


  1. Can you ask the board why they cant do anything about kids getting bullied on the school bus i think that is something they should talk about at the meeting. I know for a fact that kids are getting hit on the bus little boys hitting girls and nothing happening at all.


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