Saws Over Nelson : 4.13.10

Photos Courtesy Of CVEC : A helicopter and pilot outfitted with an airborne saw prepares for takeoff from the CVEC offices in Arrington. Click any photo to enlarge.
Photos Courtesy Of CVEC : A helicopter and pilot outfitted with an airborne saw prepares for takeoff from the CVEC offices in Arrington. Click any photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

You’ve probably seen a weird looking sight in the skies over Nelson lately. A black helicopter with a crazy looking thing dangling below! Not to worry, we aren’t being invaded! It’s part of Central Virginia Electric’s annual tree trimming program to eliminate problem tree branches from power lines. “We will be trimming for the next couple of months. The only alternative is to have people in trees or bring in machinery called Giraffes which work well on level ground but not in hilly terrain,” says Greg Kelley with CVEC.

A closeup of the blades that hang below the helicopter.
A closeup of the blades that hang below the helicopter.

“With 7 members per line mile, trees are the primary causes for power outages. Trimming the lateral tree growth will reduce the blinks that cause electronic clocks to reset and reduce outages cause by prolonged contact with tree limbs,” Greg continues.

Chopper crews prepare from takeoff from CVEC.
Chopper crews prepare from takeoff from CVEC.

So now you now! And won’t we be thankful during the next 2 foot snow!



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