Board Of Supervisors : 3.25.10 : Minutes


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale and Mr.
Tommy Harvey
Absent: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson

BROADBAND: Mr. Carter reported that Nelson County has been awarded
$1,826,646 from the stimulus bill to expand broadband internet service in
the county. The county’s plan will deploy 31 miles of new fiber and four new
wireless tower sites, directly connecting seven county government
facilities, four K-12 schools, the Blue Ridge Medical Center and the
library. The project is expected to spur more affordable broadband internet
service for additional homes and businesses by allowing internet service
providers to connect to the project’s network.

FY11 BUDGET: Ms. McCann presented revised General Fund and School Fund
Revenues/Expenditures based on final Department of Education figures. She
noted that the final Compensation Board numbers are not yet in so final
Revenues/Expenditures are not yet available. Ms. McCann reported General
Fund Revised Revenues/Expenditures of $29,906,081.
She noted School Fund Revised Revenues of $22,415,537 and Revised
Expenditures of $22,595,372 for a revised shortfall of $179,835.

Supervisors had previously considered reducing the number of new school
buses to be purchased this year from the usual four to two buses. They then
discussed, based on new information about the existing bus fleet, whether
two new buses are actually needed this year. After discussion, they directed
staff to discuss the issue with School Board staff and return with
clarification on the current situation and the real need.

Mr. Harvey then reported that he has received citizen concerns that
Sheriff’s Department vehicles are being driven outside the county on a
regular basis to and from Deputy homes. He said that the mileage could be
extensive. Supervisors also expressed concern that the vehicles are also
being used for personal errands and trips. After discussion, they directed
staff to express their concerns to the Sheriff’s Office.

Supervisors agreed to meet for a budget work session on Tuesday, March 30th
at 1:00pm at the Courthouse to review departmental budgets. Supervisors
agreed to review the proposed budgets and present their questions to staff
in advance of the meeting.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Hale announced that he has been contacted by a
representative for a Mr. Daniel Sturt who lives in California but owns 344
acres in Nelson, who wants to donate the land to the county for a park. Mr.
Hale said that the property is on Findlay Mountain Road (Rt. 647) in Shipman
between Joe Creek and Little Joe Creek. The property is assessed at
approximately $1.5 million and is taxed at approximately $850/year under
landuse taxation. After discussion, Supervisors voted 5-0 to contact the
owner to state that the county is receptive to the gift and that if the
property owner will provide the information necessary to draw up the deed,
the county will proceed.

REASSESSMENT: Based on interviews and staff information, Supervisors voted
5-0 to authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Blue Ridge Appraisal

Meeting continued until March 30th.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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