Skimming Into The Unofficial End Of Ski Season : 3.22.10

All Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2010 : Three young men prepare to jump into 37° water at Wintergreen Resort this past weekend as part of The Crazy Pond Swim. Click any photo to enlarge.
All Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2010 : Three young men prepare to jump into 37° water at Wintergreen Resort this past weekend as part of The Crazy Pond Swim. Click any photo to enlarge.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

It’s been weeks since we’ve seen snow in the valley portions of Nelson, but not up at Wintergreen Resort! There’s still snow on the slopes, though it is admittedly on its way out. Our Paul Paul Purpura was on hand again for several years in a row at the annual Slide & Splash Bash Weekend, generally known as Pond Skimming. Though there may be a few more days of skiing left, The Pond Skimming signals the unofficial end to the season as warmer days approach. Though the resort plans to have slopes open at least one more weekend due to the amount of snow still left.

Jay Roberts, VP of Mountain Operations at Wintergreen, kicks off the pond skimming 2010 this past Sunday.
Jay Roberts, VP of Mountain Operations at Wintergreen, kicks off the pond skimming 2010 this past Sunday.
See other photos in addition to the ones below by visiting our Nelson Mag Facebook Album. Just click on the image above this caption.
See other photos in addition to the ones below by visiting our Nelson Mag Facebook Album. Just click on the image above this caption.

Paul tells us:

The winners of the Pond Skimming Contest (who won an assortment of prizes including lift tickets and such) were:
1st place – Brian Seymour
2nd place – Duane Brown
3rd place – Danny Mooksla
Best Costume – Clint Showalker

A young woman takes a skim across the 70' pond this past weekend at Wintergreen.
A young woman takes a skim across the 70' pond this past weekend at Wintergreen.
And another takes a crack at it!
And another takes a crack at it!
In this next sequence of shots, Paul captures the action of this skimmer wiping out, excellent photography!
In this next sequence of shots, Paul captures the action of this skimmer wiping out, excellent photography!

Wtg Pond Skimming Contest - 0652

Wtg Pond Skimming Contest - 0653

Wtg Pond Skimming Contest - 0654

In this next sequence Paul grabbed shots of snowboard instructor, Byron Humphries, doing a 360° turn on the pond.
In this next sequence Paul grabbed shots of snowboard instructor, Byron Humphries, doing a 360° turn on the pond.

Wtg Pond Skimming Contest - 0957

Wtg Pond Skimming Contest - 0960

Wtg Pond Skimming Contest - 0963

Wtg Pond Skimming Contest - 0967

Come on Spring!


  1. Awesome shots Paul. These photos are great advertising for the resort. Thanks a bunch for all of your efforts!

  2. Wow Paul! Great shots…You should definitely be the “official” photographer for the resort…if anyone had any sense. So glad Nelson County Life has some 😉


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