Spring 2010 Begins : A Perfect Start! : 3.20.10

Photos By Tommy Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : John Howard (left) and Jacob Allen pose for a shot with Snowbojac, to say so long to winter and hello spring 2010 this past Saturday at Wintergreen Winery's Snowvivor 2010 Spring Fling. Click any photo to enlarge.
Photos By Tommy Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : John Howard (left) and Jacob Allen pose for a shot with Snowbojac, to say so long to winter and hello spring 2010 this past Saturday at Wintergreen Winery's Snowvivor 2010 Spring Fling. Click any photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

No other way to describe it, perfect. The first day of spring was beautiful and warm! 80° to be exact! Ideal for the 2010 Snowvivor Spring Fling at Wintergreen Winery!

Merideth Young (far right) from Heards and her peeps toast to a sunny day and good-bye to a very tough winter!
Merideth Young (far right) from Heards and her peeps toast to a sunny day and good-bye to a very tough winter!
Mississippi Conjure stepped up on stage after Hobojac to keep the spring tunes going!
Mississippi Conjure stepped up on stage after Hobojac to keep the spring tunes going!

The entire event was a day of fun that developed after the brutal winter folks here in Nelson experienced after 5 feet of snow. CBS-19 Chief Meteorologist, Travis Koshko came out to the celebration to assure folks that winter is on its way out, though we may have a few days of cold weather left, maybe even a snowflake! No! Yes, it has snowed here in April several times, so let’s not get too cocky, just yet!

Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, decided it was nice enough to dance to a little Hobojac.
Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, decided it was nice enough to dance to a little Hobojac.
Check out lots more pictures from the 2010 Snowvivor Spring Fling by clicking on the photo above!
Check out lots more pictures from the 2010 Snowvivor Spring Fling by clicking on the photo above!

There’s plenty more pictures over in our Nelson Mag Facebook album by clicking on the photo above. Not our Facebook friend yet? Click here to become one now! You’re missing out on lots if you aren’t!

See more photos of how folks spent the 1st day of Spring 2010 by clicking here!