Cheryl’s Celebration of Life This Coming Saturday : 2.18.10

©2009-2010 : Stoney Creek Pharmacy owner, Cheryl Tompkins, last summer at UVa receiving chemo treatments for her breast cancer. This weekend she celebrates life!
©2009-2010 : Stoney Creek Pharmacy owner, Cheryl Tompkins, last summer at UVa receiving chemo treatments for her breast cancer. This weekend she celebrates life!

Nelson County, Virginia

If you’ve ever had a prescription filled here in Nelson County, chances are you know Cheryl Tompkins, owner of Stoney Creek Pharmacy in Nellysford. We first told you about Cheryl’s fight against breast cancer in our July 2009 issue of Nelson County Life Magazine. Back then Cheryl was undergoing intense chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She finished those up a few months ago and is now back at the pharmacy getting back to full speed!

Cheryl pictured in our July 2009 article while undergoing one of her many chemo treatments at UVa in Charlottesville.
Cheryl pictured in our July 2009 article while undergoing one of her many chemo treatments at UVa in Charlottesville.

This coming weekend Cheryl is celebrating life with her family, friends, and whoever wants to drop by and say hello. Or as Cheryl puts it, “Done with treatments, now it’s time to party!”

This Saturday from 2-4pm at the Rockfish Valley Volunteer Firehouse Cheryl is having a get together for kids with a webkinz fashion show. More fun & food from 4 to 6pm (while it lasts). Then the night caps off from 6-10 with a DJ on hand!

There’s 50/50’s, door prizes, along with auction items!

Come on out and celebrate life with Cheryl this weekend!


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