Stone Soup Music – Daydreams


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Live Music & Dining – Daydreams
Vocalist Nancy Frumen and guitarist Gene Blackmer combine their talents as “Daydreams”, performing old standards from the 1920’s to the 1950’s, including songs by the Gershwin brothers, Rogers and Hart, Cole Porter, Fats Waller, and Johnny Mercer. Nancy is a veteran of the musical comedy stage and Gene has been a part of the local music scene for the last thirty years back-up. Their music will invoke fond memories of a time when some think music was at its best.

No cover charge. Space limited. Call for seating availability. Stone Soup Books and Café, 908 W. Main St., Waynesboro 540-943-0084,

Event Date: Friday 12th of March 2010 06:00 PM

Location/Address: 908 W Main St Waynesboro

Contact Telephone Please call 540-943-0084 for more information


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