District-wide H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Vaccination Day : 1.20.10


The Thomas Jefferson Health District (TJHD) is holding H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccination clinics on Wednesday, January 20th, at its health departments serving Charlottesville/Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson.

No appointment is necessary, but individuals should contact their local health department for specific clinic times. There is no charge for receiving the H1N1 vaccine; however, there is a $30.00 charge for receiving the seasonal flu vaccine. The health department accepts cash, checks and credit cards as well as Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Southern Health, Medicaid and Medicare.

Thomas Jefferson Health District (TJHD) officials anticipate having plenty of H1N1 and seasonal injectable vaccine as well as preservative-free H1N1 nasal spray for those who wish to be vaccinated. It is important to get vaccinated as both H1N1 and seasonal flu are unpredictable and outbreaks may occur at any time.

Event Date: Wednesday 20th of January 2010 08:30 AM

Location/Address: Nelson County Health Department

Contact Telephone Please call (434) 263-8315 for more information


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