Nelson Roads In Much Better Shape : 12.23.09

©2009 : Photo By Tommy Stafford : Though most primary roads in Nelson are now clear, plenty of snow remains off of the roads and in the mountains.
©2009 : Photo By Tommy Stafford : Though most primary roads in Nelson are now clear, plenty of snow remains off of the roads and in the mountains.

Nelson County, Virginia
After last weekend’s major snowfall across Nelson and the entire state, primary roads here in Nelson are in good shape. Most of the major highways are completely ice and snow free. Many secondary roads, however, have ice and snow remaining. The landscape and mountainous areas of Nelson have plenty of snow remaining.

Photo By Paul Purpura : Up at Wintergreen 16 slopes were already opened on Tuesday with 100% of the slopes anticipated to be open by the coming Christmas weekend.
Photo By Paul Purpura : Up at Wintergreen 16 slopes were already opened on Tuesday with 100% of the slopes anticipated to be open by the coming Christmas weekend.

At Wintergreen Resort, a vast majority of the ski slopes were already open yesterday and it’s anticipated that 100% of them will be in operation by this weekend. The snowstorm that created travel nightmares for those of down below, has become a big windfall for the resort. You can always check the latest slope conditions and the resort by following our handy link here.

Another significant winter storm looks to be in the developing stages for Nelson and parts of Central Virginia by the late overnight hours Christmas Eve into Christmas morning. At this stage, it appears this will be an icing and rain event with the potential for some flooding late Christmas Day.

All of the details by listening here in Tommy’s Audio Weather.


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