CVEC Advisory Regarding Winter Storm & Power Restoration : 12.18.09


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Nelson County, Virginia

Central Virginia Electric Cooperative Advisory Regarding Winter Storm & Power Restoration
December 18, 2009

NCL Editor’s Note: As of 8 PM on December 18th, CVEC’s website had no reports of outages.

Central Virginia Electric Cooperative (CVEC) is standing by and prepared to respond to power outages if they occur as a result of the approaching winter storm. The impact of the snow will largely depend on whether the snow is cold and light in composition or if it is a wetter, heavier snow. Heavier snow normally results in more power outages due to downed trees and damaged utility poles and wires.

Due to the significant amount of predicted accumulation, CVEC does advise that response times could be delayed depending on road conditions and the specific terrain at the fault location.

CVEC requests that members report outages by calling 800-367-2832 and utilizing the automated outage reporting system. CVEC dispatchers have little predictive information during the initial hours of an outage. Once crews are in the field and the extent of any damage is assessed, CVEC will provide information by way of its website: and through reports to the media.

Media inquiries should be directed to Greg Kelly through the contact information listed above. Please alert CVEC to what type of information that you would like to receive and your preferred timeline for outage updates.

Central Virginia Electric Cooperative is a member-owner, not-for-profit utility, serving the rural portions of 14 counties in Central Virginia.


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