Snow Beautiful For Most – Dangerous & Deadly For Others : 12.5.09

Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2009 : A 5-8 inch blanket of snow covered everything at Wintergreen Resort by Saturday afternoon. Click to enlarge.
Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2009 : A 5-8 inch blanket of snow covered everything at Wintergreen Resort by Saturday afternoon. Click to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

For most folks the Saturday snow was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. Up in the higher elevations between 5-8 inches of a heavy wet snow fell by late Saturday. The higher the elevation, the higher the snow amounts. Down below in the the Rockfish Valley some locations saw nothing more than a snow/rain mix with no accumulating snow whatsoever.

Other wide area snowfall totals by going here to the NWS.

Previous coverage here and here.

In addition to mother nature, man kicked in and started making snow this weekend at Wintergreen Resort.
In addition to mother nature, man kicked in and started making snow this weekend at Wintergreen Resort.

The snow turned deadly in the afternoon up on Afton Mountain along Route 250 just inside the Nelson County Line. Crews worked for a long time on the accident that briefly shut down Route 250 for the afternoon. CBS-19 in Charlottesville has more here.

In an unrelated accident, a Virgina State Trooper lost control of his car and flipped on I-64 near the 103 mile marker. His injuries were not life threatening.
NBC-29 follows the story here.

Look for the snow to slowly end this evening with only an inch or so more accumulating in the higher elevations.

Sunday looks to be sunny & cool.


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