Upgrades And Work Continue On NCL Site – Not the Fault Of Your Set! : Updated 10.28.09 : 6:30 AM

Work On The Nelson County Life Website Continues - This Is Not The Fault Of Your Set!
Work On The Nelson County Life Website Continues - This Is Not The Fault Of Your Set!

Updated: 10.28.09 6:30 AM
Looks like we are close to having everything resolved. We’ll keep you posted!

Nelson County, Virginia

As a little boy I remember seeing the old RCA Indian Test Pattern on our black & white TV before we got a color set in the 1970’s. It was the scene you’d see when stations would go off air at midnight too. That doesn’t happen anymore, but probably should!

So goes the work here on our Nelson County Life web site. We have lots going on in the background, and you are seeing lots of roll backs to previous dates as we restore, tweak, and just darn guess on some things!

Please be patient with us, we’re working hard to get things back to normal and we’ll keep you updated.

Meanwhile, enjoy the Indian Chief and his test pattern!



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