North Branch School Expands and Makes It Official! : 10.24.09

Photos By Yvette Stafford : ©2009 : The kids of North Branch School pose in front of their new annex Friday afternoon. It's the first major addition to the school since it's beginning in 1983.
Photos By Yvette Stafford : ©2009 : The kids of North Branch School pose in front of their new annex Friday afternoon. It's the first major addition to the school since it's beginning in 1983.

Nelson County, Virginia

After months of construction the ribbon was finally cut on new annex at North Branch School (NBS) this past Friday afternoon. The new building will house 5th through 8th grade students and a language computer lab. “There’s still space I don’t know how to use. So it’s an amazing, it feels great to go from I didn’t have a room last year to having this huge room now,” says Michael Donegan, 5th and 6th grade and art teacher at NBS since 1999.

Construction started on the annex about one year ago and was finished several weeks ago before the actual dedication.

Michael Donegan in his new classrom at North Branch School.
Michael Donegan in his new classrom at North Branch School.
Jim Gates, (far right) cuts the ribbon on the annex building he constructed. Gates' past and present children attend NBS.
Jim Gates, (far right) cuts the ribbon on the annex building he constructed. Gates' past and present children attend NBS.
Lawson Johnson, a middle schooler at NBS, grabs his books from the new shelving in North Branch's new annex.
Lawson Johnson, a middle schooler at NBS, grabs his books from the new shelving in North Branch's new annex.

North Branch’s enrollment is about 90 students for the 2009-2010 school year.

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