Board of Supervisors : 9.24.09


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Present: Mr. Allen Hale, Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Tommy
Harvey and
Mr. Joe Dan Johnson

GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE STUDY – Mr. Steve Williams and Mr. Bill Wanner with
Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission presented the Nelson County
portion of the TJPDC study. Green infrastructure is defined as an
interconnected network of green spaces and a network of large habitat areas
(hubs) linked together by corridors. Mr. Williams noted the benefits of
green infrastructure to economic development, tourism, improved water
quality, areas for recreation, stormwater and flooding control and the
enhancement of community appearance. He then presented several maps showing
the exiting protected public lands, lands under permanent easement, existing
trails, streams and steep slopes.

Ms. Brennan said that the study is a valuable tool and the county can
consider whether to encourage more ag/forestal districts, conservation
easements and greenways within developments. She noted that industry really
does consider quality of life when deciding where to locate. She said that
she hopes the county can include green infrastructure in planning for the
future. Mr. Harvey said that the whole thing is ridiculous, noting that with
all the green space and boundaries on creeks, property owners in Nelson have
nothing left. He said that we need work for people without hearing about
vistas. He complained that everybody tells you what you can do with your
property in this county. Mr. Johnson said that he really wants to see
business, housing and investment. Mr. Hale said that this study is a tool
and that he would not mind seeing the county develop in a way that protects
the green infrastructure. He noted that much of the green infrastructure is
in areas of steep slopes and areas not suitable for development anyway. Ms.
Brennan noted that nothing in the study says anyone has to do anything but
rather it is a planning tool.

SMALL WIND ENERGY ORDINANCE – Mr. Boger presented the draft ordinance as
recommended by the Planning Commission, noting that it is a liberal
ordinance with wind turbines allowed in all districts. He noted the proposed
number of towers:

a) Parcels less than one acre – tower(s) not permitted;
b) Parcels 1-2 acres in size – one (1) tower permitted;
c) Parcels greater than 2 acres and less than 5 acres in size – one (1)
tower permitted; and
d) Parcels 5 acres or greater in size – one (1) tower permitted.
Conditional Use Permit required for additional tower(s).

Mr. Boger also noted the proposed tower height restrictions:

a) Parcels 1-2 acres in size – 45 feet;
b) Parcels greater than 2 acres and less than 5 acres in size – 60
feet; and
c) Parcels 5 acres or greater in size – 100 feet.

Following no public comment, Mr. Johnson said that the ordinance does not
allow for structure-mounted systems. He also questioned why a farmer with
500 acres can only have one tower. Mr. Boger said that the landowner can
apply for a permit for additional towers. Mr. Johnson said that he would
like to see that section reviewed although he does not want to see one tower
per acre. Ms. Brennan said that having the applicant apply for a permit for
multiple towers allows the county to know what the landowner is planning to
do. Supervisors agreed to consider eliminating towers allowed on lots of
less than 2 acres, the minimum county lot size. Mr. Bruguiere said that the
section on mitigating the visual impacts on surrounding neighbors and the
community should be removed altogether. He said that the landowner is
putting the system in for himself and can put it anywhere he wants it. He
said that minimizing the visual impact on the neighbors just adds to the

Mr. Hale and Mr. Johnson agreed to work on the draft and present a
recommendation to the full board at a future meeting.

PERPETUAL EASEMENT/VDOT – Mr. Carter presented a resolution to convey an
easement to VDOT for a .81-acre section of Rt. 29 just below the northbound
bridge over the Tye River which includes a section of the Blue Ridge Railway
Trail. The easement is needed in order for VDOT to have access to and
authority to maintain that bridge. Mr. Carter noted that the trail section
may have to be rerouted or even closed for a period during the bridge
maintenance/repair. With no public comment, Supervisors voted 5-0 to grant
the easement.

Mr. Harvey and Ms. Brennan agreed to meet with Rockfish Valley Community
Center Board members to work out the details of the final sale based on the
lease agreement and what was done with the sales of other former schools.

FY10 ADJUSTED REVENUE FORECAST – Ms. McCann presented projected revenues
based on state and local forecasts noting:

Local Revenues –
Public Service $107,199
Sales Tax ($76,797)
Lodging Tax ($80,364)
Court Fines ($52,892)
Landfill Tipping Fees ($71,852)
Communications Sales & Use Tax ($109,836)
EMS Revenue Recovery $192,000
Region 2000 Services Authority Refund $28,752
NCSA Connection Fees (Colleen) $27,000
Total Net ($36,790)

State Revenues/Compensation Board –
Sheriff ($46,722)
Commonwealth Attorney ($7,866)
Clerk Circuit Court ($15,056)
Treasurer ($7,762)
Commissioner of Revenue ($5,052)
Total Net ($82,458)

State Revenues/School Fund –
Basic Aid $50,347
Sales Tax ($146,555)
VRS & Group Life $0
Other ($1,709)

Total Net ($97,917)

Total State and Local Revenue Net ($217,165)

Ms. McCann noted that state revenues in the current year school budget are
based on an average daily membership of 1950 students with current school
enrollment at 1920. She reported that if enrollment does not increase by
March, the schools could be impacted by additional reductions of
approximately $100,000. Ms. McCann also reported a General Fund recurring
contingency of $121,382 and the non-recurring contingency designated as
Reserve for Capital Improvement is $268,485.

Mr. Hale said that this is the time for the sharpening of pencils to find
savings. He said that the Constitutional Offices need to see what can be
done to deal with the state budget cuts and that all county departments need
to do the same. Ms. McCann asked whether staff proposals to cover the
shortfalls should include funding cuts to agencies. Supervisors said they
would consider those cuts but that the pain must be felt across the board –
Constitutional offices, county departments, agencies and schools.

Supervisors voted 5-0 to appoint Ms. Nancy Uvanitte to the Keep Nelson
Beautiful Council.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


  1. I want to thank Tommy, Yvette and Adam for the beautiful poinsettia and the note of encouragement.
    Your friendship and support mean a lot at this time. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Phil, Linda, and Justin


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