70 Years, 107 Miles, And 10 Days. Done! : 8.28.09

Photos By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Sandy Gallagher celebrated her recent 70th birthday by hiking a 107 mile stretch The AT through the Shenandoah National Park over the past 10 days. She finished her last steps of the hike Thursday afternoon.
Photos By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Sandy Gallagher celebrated her recent 70th birthday by hiking a 107 mile stretch The AT through the Shenandoah National Park over the past 10 days. She finished her last steps of the hike Thursday afternoon.

Nelson County, Virginia

For her 70th birthday, Sandy Gallagher of Afton decided she needed a special present to herself. “When I turned 70 a couple of weeks ago, I said I needed to do something to challenge myself, physically & mentally.” Sandy told us Thursday afternoon as she finished the final mile of the 100 plus mile hike on a section of The Appalachian Trail ending at Rockfish Gap where Skyline Drive meets the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Sandy's husband, Bill, greets her after her 107 mile journey ending Thursday afternoon.
Sandy's husband, Bill, greets her after her 107 mile journey ending Thursday afternoon.

“She’s game for anything, a very, very active person. She does a lot of hiking. It didn’t surprise me at all, but the overnights, I wasn’t sure how she was going to handle that, but she did really good and met some really great people on the trail,” says husband Bill who was anxiously waiting for Sandy as she arrived early Thursday afternoon.

Be looking for more about Sandy and her hiking adventure in the coming weeks!

Congrats Sandy! Happy Birthday!


  1. YAY! The AT brought me to this area the first time I came here (at 19 yrs old) and was a magical and much loved experience even though I didn’t finish. I’m a mom now and my daughter doesn’t like backpacking so haven’t been on it as much as I’d thought I’d be. But I’m holding the idea I can have a good long hike on it after she grows up and I’m encouraged that 55 will not be too old!

  2. Congratulations, Sandy!!! We are so proud of you out here in Cave Creek, Arizona. We are eager to read more about your great adventure. Bob and Jan


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