T. B. Baker Benefit @ Massies Mill Ruritan Club : September 12, 2009 : 6-11 PM


September 12, 2009 from 7:00-11:00pm at Massies Mill Ruritan Club. Campbell Tunes will be providing the music. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. There will be 50/50 raffles and a Longaberger basket raffle drawing. All money raised and all donations will go directly to T. B.

-Suggested donation: $10.00 per person
-$5.00 children 10-under

Our hope is to have a celebrate of T. B.’s life and accomplishments and show him how much he means to each of us.

Event Date: Saturday 12th of September 2009 06:00 PM

Location/Address: 5439 Patrick Henry Hwy, Piney River, Va 22964

Contact Telephone Please call 434-263-5631 for more information


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