Triple Eagle Release Photos Captured By Rodes Farm Couple : 7.25.09

Photos By Henri & Elaine Weems : ©2009 : Ed Clark of Wildlife Center of Virginia releases one of three eagles Saturday afternoon at Mason Neck State Park in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Photos By Henri & Elaine Weems : ©2009 : Ed Clark of Wildlife Center of Virginia releases one of three eagles Saturday afternoon at Mason Neck State Park in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Fairfax County, Virginia
Rodes Farm residents, Henri and Elaine Weems got a rare treat Saturday afternoon. There were on hand as three bald eagles were released in Northern Virgina. A crowd of 300-500 folks looked on during the first triple release of eagles at Mason Neck State Park in Fairfax County, Virginia. You’ve seen many of the beautiful local Nelson photos Henri and Elaine have shared before.

The second of three eagles takes flight after release Saturday afternoon.
The second of three eagles takes flight after release Saturday afternoon.

Henri and Elaine tells us people from all over the state and beyond attended the rare occasion where three eagles are release back into their natural habitat.

The huge crowd looks on as the eagles prepare for flight back into the wilderness.
The huge crowd looks on as the eagles prepare for flight back into the wilderness.

Here’s a video link via WTOP of the release as well:

Or play here from the embeded player:

Thanks again to Henri & Elaine for these great photos of a special moment!


  1. Whoops Henry & Elaine, our bad. I forgot to add that to the bottom of the post. Doing it now so it’s there as well. Thanks for the reminder! -T-


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