Board of Supervisors 7.23.09


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Present: Mr. Allen Hale, Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Joe
Dan Johnson
Absent: Mr. Tommy Harvey


Ms. Kim Cash, Montebello, said that the Supervisors had recently sent a
resolution of intent to the Planning Commission directing that they review
and make a recommendation on lot sizes in areas of the county with public
water and sewer. She said that in that resolution, the Board had given the
Commission 60 days to complete its review and that it was logistically
impossible for the Commission to meet that deadline. Ms. Cash said that
more importantly though, is that the issue is a serious one for the county
and should be discussed and considered by both boards before a decision is

Ms. Cash said that the issue is whether a smaller lot size is appropriate in
agricultural areas with public water and sewer. She said that in some ways,
it would make more sense to rezone the areas to a higher density and
designate them growth areas in the Comprehensive Plan. She noted that it had
been argued that rezoning would place more restrictions on the landowner,
but said that a landowner who wants to put in higher density housing should
face more regulations. She asked that the Board allow the Commission the
time to really consider the issue and the consequences. Ms. Cash said that
the county owes it to the taxpayers who are paying for the infrastructure
and will ultimately pay for the development.

presented a request from the Planning Commission for an extension of the
60-day requirement, noting that the time would expire prior to their
September meeting and not allow enough time for review and public hearing.

Mr. Bruguiere said that it may take 75 days because of the advertising
schedule, but that he did not want to make it open-ended. Supervisors voted
4-0 to add an additional 45 days (for a total of 105 days) while encouraging
the Commission to act as expeditiously as possible.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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