Board of Supervisors 6.25.09


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Present: Mr. Allen Hale, Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere,
Mr. Tommy Harvey and Mr. Joe Dan Johnson

WORK SESSION/RT. 29 CORRIDOR – Mr. Joe Springer with Parson’s Transportation
of Virginia presented information on the study initiated by the Commonwealth
Transportation Board to look at concerns and the future of the entire
219-mile corridor (from Danville to Gainsville). The study will consolidate
findings from previous studies and look at all modes of travel, land use
impacts and the effect of measures to control growth. Mr. Springer noted
that the study has already included a “listening tour” with the primary
concerns being safety; congestion at spot locations; the proliferation of
traffic signals; need for bypasses, limited access facilities and
alternative corridors; impacts of roadway widening or new roads;
preservation of historic and scenic resources; economic development; lack of
modal choices and growth management.

Mr. Springer identified the tools available including managed and restricted
access, transit and multi-modal, bypasses, corridor widening and limiting
sprawl. He then asked for input from the Supervisors.

Mr. Bruguiere said that he likes the idea of rail systems but the state
should not be paying for them. He said that the focus in Nelson should be
to improve the existing four-lane road. Ms. Brennan said that safety is a
critical issue in Nelson. She said that the speed limit on Rt. 29 was
raised to 60mph with school buses using the corridor and animals crossing
the road – all making Rt. 29 very dangerous. She said that limited access
is probably a good idea but the topography in Nelson would create some
issues with building access roads. Ms. Brennan said that the very wide
medians are a safety problem as people pull out onto Rt. 29 going the wrong
way without realizing it is a four-lane road. She said that she would like
to see a monorail go right down the middle of Rt. 29. Mr. Harvey said that
limited access is naturally there in Nelson given the topography but that he
is concerned about the property rights of those who own property along Rt.
29. He said that another connector road between Rt. 29 and Rt. 151,
possible from the area of Beech Grove, would take some of the impact on Rt.
29. Mr. Johnson said that he too is concerned about access to Rt. 29 for
those who own property along the road. Mr. Hale said that the problems have
been studied to death with all the problems clearly identified. He said
that the issue now is to find ways to fix the problems. He said that main
focus in Nelson is safety, especially along the original 29 alignment with
low shoulders and problem areas. Mr. Mike Tapager, a member of the Planning
Commission, said that the Commission is required to approve any project as
long as it meets the requirements of the ordinance. He said that he would
like to see some suggestions for language to restrict curb cuts and deal
with other limited access issues to protect both the public with limited
access and the property rights of those along Rt. 29.

SCHUYLER SOLID WASTE SITE – Mr. Carter advised the Board that the site has
been advertised for closure on June 30th and that the dumpsters will be
relocated to the Faber site until the new Cove Valley site is completed.

ICON BROADBAND TECHNOLOGIES PROPOSAL – Supervisors voted 5-0 to table
consideration of the group’s proposal for workshops, preparation of an RFP
and funding application assistance until final information is received on
federal stimulus funds and requirements.

MILLENNIUM GROUP LEASE AGREEMENT – Supervisors voted 5-0 to authorize staff
to execute a new five-year lease agreement with the group for the Nelson
Heritage Center (the old Nelson middle school on Rt. 29).

PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT – Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt a resolution of
intent to reexamine certain area regulations (primarily lot size) where
public water and sewer and/or water is available in the county. The
resolution refers the issue to the Planning Commission for their review and
recommendation within sixty days after their first meeting following the

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


  1. What a brilliant idea to suggest another connector road from Rt. 151 to Rt. 29 in the Beech Grove area! Just what the 18-wheelers need. They could zip thru Nellysford on their way to Rt. 29 instead of having to make that turn onto Rt. 6. Rt. 29 is a 4-lane divided highway, for heaven’s sake. Why not focus on turning Rt. 151 into a safe highway instead of the “death road” it is now.

  2. We couldn’t agree more Jim. There is already pending federal legislation right now to limit trucks to federal interstates and main highways, but it is meeting fierce opposition as expected. But this would open up even more of 151 to traffic it is not designed to carry.


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