Batteaux Leave Wingina Headed For Howardsville Today : 6.23.09

©2009 NCL Magazine : Thanks to for these great photos from the arrival at Winginia Landing Tuesday evening.
©2009 NCL Magazine : Thanks to for these great photos from the arrival at Winginia Landing Tuesday evening.

Nelson County, Virginia

As the sun headed down Monday evening, the Batteaux headed in at Wingina Landing. Folks participating in the 24th Annual James River Batteau Festival pulled in yesterday to rest before heading on to Howardsville today. We’ve been telling you about Captain Brian Roberts of Nelson County and his newly crafted boat, Rockfish Runner. His print story comes out Thursday in our July issue of Nelson County Life Magazine.

A special plaque was unveiled Monday night at Wingina to remember Dewey Wood. who logged over 1900 miles on the James River. His wife Sarah, who is still alive, was on hand for the remembrance.
A special plaque was unveiled Monday night at Wingina to remember Dewey Wood. who logged over 1900 miles on the James River. His wife Sarah, who is still alive, was on hand for the remembrance.
Batteaumen work their way into Winginia Landing Monday night.
Batteaumen work their way into Winginia Landing Monday night.
Batteaux manuver under the bridge at Wingina.
Batteaux manuver under the bridge at Wingina.
A batteau on the bank of the James River around sunset Monday evening.
A batteau on the bank of the James River around sunset Monday evening.

The festival runs until Saturday June 27th with the final docking at Maiden’s Landing around 4 PM after leaving Cartersville earlier in the day.

The folks over at have set up a neat daily blog too if you want to follow them on their trip down The James. Click here.


  1. Hey Thanks for the nice write-up and photos of the batteau festival. I set up the batteau blog page and my goal is to try and get as many batteau crews as possible to tell stories and submit photos from along the batteau trip. This isn’t easy, but hopefully the public will have some interesting blog postings in the future. Keep up the good work and feel free to link to the site anytime.


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