Update : Nelson County Sheriff Finds More Evidence In Opal Page Murder : 5.12.09 : 2:45 PM EDT

©2009 NCL Magazine : Nelson Investigator Becky Adcock, Waynesboro Investigator Paul McCormick, and Nelson County Sheriff David Brooks, escort 20 year old Austin Griffin to a Monday bond hearing in Lovingston, Virginia
©2009 NCL Magazine : Nelson Investigator Becky Adcock, Waynesboro Investigator Paul McCormick, and Nelson County Sheriff David Brooks, escort 20 year old Austin Griffin to a Monday bond hearing in Lovingston, Virginia

Nelson County, Virginia
©2009 NCL Magazine

As NCL first reported Monday afternoon, two Nelson men remain behind bars without bond, charged with the 1st degree murder of 73 year old Opal Page of Afton, Virginia. Earlier Tuesday, Nelson Sheriff David Brooks confirmed to NCL that he was confident the murder weapon used in Mrs. Page’s homicide had been recovered in nearby Waynesboro, Virginia.

This afternoon Sheriff Brooks confirmed more evidence had been gathered. “This greatly strengthens our case again the two individuals charged with Mrs. Page’s murder,” said Sheriff Brooks. Though he would not elaborate on exactly what was found, the sheriff told NCL the pieces of evidence found are of high value in the case against Griffin pictured above, and 18 year old Christopher Meeks charged with the same crime.

More updates as we have them.

Complete news history of this case by clicking here.


  1. All I have to say is that those two boys should get what they deserve and then some they killed a 73 year old women who never bothered anyone and was always there to help other people when they needed it. She will be greatly missed and my heart goes out to her family.

  2. The Nelson Co sheriff’s department, especially David Brooks, deserve a big “Thank You’ for working so tirelessly on this case. I know they have received help from other police departments, but this happened in their territory, and you know they have devoted all they can to this case. So, thank you all for your hard work!

  3. Courtney – Good job to bring up the hard work of Sheriff Brooks and the other officers involved. As most people know the first 48 hrs are critical to actually solving a murder investigation. Thank you so much for your hard work, I know my mother who is 70 will be able to sleep with a bit more comfortly now.

    Also, a big thanks to NCL Magazine for both covering this story with ALL the breaking news!! Also for having such a great run website so that people are able to comment on these stories. I think that everyone has their own opinions and free speech is all a part of the healing process to express their own opinions whatever they may be.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Malin Bailey

  4. How tragic that such a gentle soul died so violently and senselessly! I, too, am thankful for Sheriff Brooks and the other officers who got these violent boys out of our neighborhoods. It just shows how much we care about each other that we notice each other’s comings and goings. I am thankful, too, that her neighbor checked on her. We should do the same for our elderly folk. Everyone should make a special effort to be neighborly–in honor of Opal Page.

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