Playground Equipment Arrives At Rockfish Valley Community Center : 4.22.09

Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Margaret Clair, playground founder and RVCC board member looks on Tuesday afternoon as new playground equipment arrives for installation.
Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Margaret Clair, playground founder and RVCC board member looks on Tuesday afternoon as new playground equipment arrives for installation.

Nelson County, Virginia

It’s here! The long awaited playground equipment that will be installed at The Rockfish Valley Community Center this weekend has arrived. Margaret Clair, who had the vision for the playground, and has worked tirelessly to raise the funds, couldn’t have been happier. A crew from Highland Propane in Lovingston used one of their trucks to help offload the huge wooden crate from a semi.

Margaret signs for the equipment after it is dropped at the site of the new playground.
Margaret signs for the equipment after it is dropped at the site of the new playground.
Margaret looks on as RVCC board member and co-owner of Buck Creek Nursery, Bob West, paints the area where the equipment will be installed.
Margaret looks on as RVCC board member and co-owner of Buck Creek Nursery, Bob West, paints the area where the equipment will be installed.

The new playground will be dedicated at a special ribbon cutting on Saturday May 2nd after the monthly pancake breakfast.

Congrats to Margaret and all of the others instrumental in getting the playground here! Job well done!


  1. We have two very excited little kids who are anxiously watching this project develop from the sidelines! We went out last night and watched the site prep for a while.


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