Rainy Weather Starts The Week, But Fantastic Weather Late Week! : 4.20.09

Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Rain clouds roll in over Lake Monacan in Nellysford, Virginia late Sunday afternoon.
Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Rain clouds roll in over Lake Monacan in Nellysford, Virginia late Sunday afternoon.

Nelson County, Virginia
After some spectacular weather over the weekend, changes moved in last night after dark. Paul Purpura grabbed the weather shot showing the rain clouds moving in at dusk. The first half of the weekend was perfect. Saturday, not a cloud in the sky, and temps in the low to mid 80’s for afternoon high temperatures. Even Sunday turned out to be a good day with readings near 80°, most of the rain holding off until after dark.

Today look for widespread rain showers and perhaps even some thunderstorms in the afternoon. Temps will be a bit cooler Monday with high in the upper 60’s to near 70° vs 80° yesterday. Chances for rain continue through Tuesday night, with more sunshine by Wednesday. By Thursday into the weekend temperatures begin warming, topping out around 80° by Saturday and Sunday with sunny skies.

You can hear all of the complete weather details in Tommy’s Weather on the home page player at the top, or by clicking here too!


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