Mystery Locusts Invade Nelson On This 1st Day of April 2009

©2009 NCL Magazine : Locusts invaded Nelson overnight last night. Reports of cars being lifted off the roadway and flown away by the bugs have been reported all over the county.
©2009 NCL Magazine : Locusts invaded Nelson overnight last night. Reports of cars being lifted off the roadway and flown away by the bugs have been reported all over the county.

Nelson County, Virginia
In a truly bizarre turn of events overnight, locusts have invaded Nelson County. Early this morning we received reports of the nasty little bugs lifting semi trucks and passenger cars right off of the road, flying them several miles away, then lightly dropping them in the backyard of area residents. “It sounded just like a freight train when it came over,” said one Nelson resident. Another said he heard this buzzing sound and though it was a big fly in his house until he looked outside and saw the flying bugs carrying a UPS truck right over his barn.

Not to worry, these locusts are friendly so we’re told, and they only appear on the 1st of April each year (wink, wink!)

By-the-way – Happy Anniversary! Nelson County Life Magazine, you are 4 years old today! REALLY!

Have a nice April Fools 2009!


  1. Hey Tommy & Yvette, our fellow “fools”…
    It’s our winery anniversary today too. Cannot believe it’s been 10 years! We’ll have to get together soon for a toast. Happy 4th Anniversary NCL!

  2. Congrats to both NCL and Wintergreen Winery – two great local institutions.

    As for the locusts, they may be here or they may not. Can’t tell. It’s very foggy here on Wintergreen Mountain.


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