Board of Supervisors : 3.10.09


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Present: Mr. Allen Hale, Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere,
Mr. Tommy Harvey and Mr. Joe Dan Johnson

VDOT REPORT – Mr. Kevin Wright reported on a draft program to deal with
long-term funding reductions. Noting that the plan is preliminary, he said
that it would include:

– the closure (within the next 18 months) of the Amherst Residency office
with Nelson maintenance then covered by the Dillwyn office;
– both the Bryant and Shipman maintenance headquarters would remain open;
– proposed reductions in the levels of service for maintenance of the

Mr. Wright reported that the proposed reductions in service would include
categorizing each road with service levels determined by the established
category. Nelson would have only one Priority 1 road – Rt. 29; several
Priority 2 roads including Rt. 151 and Beech Grove Road; several Priority 3
roads including Rt. 56 East and West; and 99% of the roads in the county
would be categorized as Priority 4. The priority would determine how much
maintenance – repairs, snow removal, etc each road would be given and in
what order that would happen. Unpaved roads would not be included for snow

Mr. Johnson said that studies show that it is more dangerous to live in the
country because of the roads than in the cities with the crime rates. He
noted that under the proposed plan, 99% of the roads in Nelson will receive
very little maintenance. Mr. Johnson noted the impact on schools and said
that the many unpaved roads in the county will not even get plowed. Mr.
Wright reported that VDOT will hold a meeting to obtain public input on the
proposed plan on Wednesday, March 11th at 6:00pm at the Central VA Community
College at 3506 Wards Road in Lynchburg. Visit
for more information.

Supervisors tabled discussion and public hearing pending receipt of
recommendations from the Planning Commission on other proposed amendments so
everything could be advertised at one time resulting in lower costs to the

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Mr. Carter reported on the following:

– Courthouse Project – a Notice to Proceed has been issued to Blair
Construction with their staff indicating that they would begin full
mobilization on the project immediately.
– Piney River 3 – overall completion expected by May 1st.
– Broadband Project – final report expected March 26th. Supervisors
directed staff to reschedule the presentation to their April 14 meeting.
– Hightop Tower Project – the County, VA State Police and CVEC are
proceeding with development of an agreement and site planning for initiation
of the tower project on Fortunes Cove Nature Preserve property.
– Ferguson’s Store/Roseland Water Line Extension – preliminary work has
begun to develop the project, including discussions with VA-DEQ regarding
funding assistance.
– Federal Stimulus/FY10 Budget – four projects have been submitted for
funding – broadband, radio communications, water line extension and Blue
Ridge Tunnel.

CLOSED SESSION – Supervisors met in Closed Session to discuss acquisition of
real property. Following the closed session, Supervisors voted 5-0 to
authorize staff and the Chair to develop and enter into an agreement with
Cove Valley Recreation Center to purchase no more than 3.5 acres at $60,000
for the establishment of a Solid Waste Collection Center for the
Faber/Schuyler area. The agreement will include the county’s lease of an
existing well on the property for a fee equal to the annual taxes. In
addition, if the county discontinues the use of the property for a
convenience center, the property will revert back to the seller.


– Ms. Brennan asked for the establishment of an Energy/Environmental
Committee to look at energy savings and an energy audit for the county.
– Ms. Brennan asked staff to research options for installing a port-a-john
at the wayside north of Lovingston on Rt. 29.
– Mr. Johnson expressed his frustration that the county still has not
established a Broadband Authority. After discussion, Supervisors directed
staff to bring a draft of the ordinance to establish the Authority to the
April 14 meeting.

noted that the original intent when amending this section was to grant an
exception for a lot with an existing “operating” on-site septic system but
said that the actual amendment reads, “?an existing on-site septic system
approved by the Virginia Department of Health.” Mr. Hale noted that there
are many existing operating systems in the county that were either not
approved by the Health Department or have no paperwork on file. Supervisors
voted 5-0 to adopt a resolution of intent to amend the ordinance to include
the phrase “existing operable” and delete the phrase “approved by the
Virginia Department of Health”. The resolution refers the issue to the
Planning Commission for review and a recommendation within 60 days.

FY10 BUDGET – Supervisors then reviewed the proposed budget with updated
revenue and expenditure numbers. Mr. Johnson, noting that the county is
waiting for final answers on state funding, federal stimulus decisions and
school system requests, suggested that the Board table further consideration
pending that information. The present draft budget includes level funding
for all agencies and departments as well as local school system funding of
$11,247,472 ($797,064 less than the request to-date).

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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