CVEC Reports Power Outages In Adjoining Counties : 3.2.09 Updated 3PM


CVEC Electric Service in Appomattox County
Lovingston, VA, March 2, 2009

CVEC Electric Service Update – 3 PM
Lovingston, VA, March 2, 2009 – The number of reported outages on the CVEC system is presently at 1991. Line crews have been working to restore power but progress is slow going with over a foot of snow on the ground in some areas, particularly in the eastern section of the service territory where most of the outages have occurred. (See the HYPERLINK “” Outage Summary on the CVEC webpage for additional details.)
The snow limits or delays equipment access in many areas where there are trees on powerlines, broken poles and wire on the ground. While CVEC has been able to restore power in some areas, additional outages occurring throughout the day have kept the number of affected CVEC members close to 2000 in number.
CVEC crews will continue working late into the night, attempting to restore service for as many members as possible. However, the Cooperative anticipates that the restoration effort will extend into tomorrow before the power restoration effort can be completed.
Those members currently without electric service should make preparations in the event that their service is not restored this evening. If remaining in your home could present a health risk or cause undue discomfort, please contact friends, family members or the local authorities to discuss moving to another overnight location.

CVEC Electric Service Update
Lovingston, VA, March 2, 2009 – 9 AM – Transmission service has been restored to the Appomattox, Pamplin and Curdsville Substations, helping to reduce the number of affected CVEC members from 4000 to 1600. The Columbia Metering point remains without service, affecting 445 utility customers. CVEC will let you know when the metering point receives power.
In the Pamplin substation area, a tree on a line has 480 members to be without electric service. Crews are working to resolve the cause of that outage.
There are scattered outages around the remainder of the eastern portion of the CVEC service territory affecting a total of 675 members. Crews from all locations are working at the fault locations from Appomattox to Louisa counties.
Look for additional updates as information becomes available.

Central Virginia Electric Cooperative (CVEC), reports that 4000 cooperative members are without power. Cumberland, Appomattox and Buckingham counties are the areas with the heaviest concentration of outages, numbering over 3200 affected homes and businesses in those areas.
The cause of the outages is due to a loss of power at the Columbia, Curdsville, Pamplin and Appomattox substation and metering points. CVEC receives power at those facilities from the regional transmission system. When power is restored to these affected substations, then service will be restored to many cooperative members and CVEC will address individual outages along the distribution lines.

Via Greg Kelly at CVEC.

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