Greenfield : Survey Work Apparently Begins On 635 & 151 Intersection

©2009 NCL Magazine : Markers caution drivers of survey crews ahead on VA 151 late Thursday afternoon in Greenfield.
©2009 NCL Magazine : Markers caution drivers of survey crews ahead on VA 151 late Thursday afternoon in Greenfield.

Nelson County, Virginia

VDOT crews were seen Thursday surveying around the intersection of Routes 151 and 635 (Greenfield Road). The survey work is most likely preceding modifications to the intersection to put in a left turn lane in hopes of making the intersection safer. Two years ago this coming August, the intersection was the scene of a triple fatality killing a mother and her two young children.

Surveyors inspect Route 151 looking back toward Greenfield Road from near Ashley's Market.
Surveyors inspect Route 151 looking back toward Greenfield Road from near Ashley's Market.

Since the fatalities, VDOT has been working with local supervisors and safety organizations in developing a safer intersection as funding could be found. The intersection will be paid for with federal money approved in months past.

Much of the initial history on that accident can be reviewed by clicking here.


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