RVCC Holiday Trees For Sale : Pre Order Till November 30th


RVCC is selling Holiday trees to raise money for a playground to be installed at the Center in early spring of 2009. RVCC has already raised $6000 towards the $12,000 installation cost as a result of a grant from the Nelson Rotary Club, one private (generous) donor, and a matching grant from the International Rotary Foundation. Other grant applications are being made.
Pre-orders (and payments) for trees are now being taken at the RVCC office (361-0100) and the Treasure Chest. A buyer can also order by email (trees@rockfishcc.org). If by email or phone message, please give a name, address, phone number, email address and the size of the tree wanted. Payment can be made at RVCC at the time of the order, or when the tree is picked up (if ordered by phone or email).
The trees are fresh-cut Frazier furs from North Carolina. They will come in 3 sizes and prices: 5-6’ tree is $45; 6-7’ tree is $55; and a 7-8’ tree is $65.
The trees will arrive the last week of November and will be available to pick starting the weekend after Thanksgiving. Those who have placed orders will be contacted with pick up time, or they can choose delivery for a nominal fee ($5 in the RVCC vicinity). Orders will be accepted until November 30 after which trees will be sold during the week through the Treasure Chest and on the weekend by RVCC volunteers. The best time to get a tree will be at the Holiday Community Market at RVCC, Saturday, December 6 from 9-2.
Call 434-361-0100 for more information or email trees@rockfishcc.org.


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