Devils Backbone Continues Prep For Opening This Month

Photos Courtesy DBBC : A food service rep sits in one of the recently completed booths at Devils Backbone Brewery
Photos Courtesy DBBC : A food service rep sits in one of the recently completed booths at Devils Backbone Brewery

Work continues on Devils Backbone Brewing Company (DBBC) for opening later this month. It’s located near the intersection of Route 664 and 151 in Beech Grove just outside of Nellysford, Virginia. We have been following the progress here in earlier posts.

This week much of the furniture arrived, booths have been installed, along with other preparations to get ready for the opening. Over the next few days the staff at DBBC will be making internal trial runs of the operation to ensure the public opening goes smoothly later this month.

DBBC will join Blue Mountain Brewery as the second microbrewery to locate in Nelson County, Virginia. Wintergreen Ski Resort is just up the road from DBBC.

A worker packs down the stones in the walkway leading into the entrance of DBBC.
A worker packs down the stones in the walkway leading into the entrance of DBBC.
Brewmaster, Jason Oliver, is currently brewing five different beers that will soon be released.
Brewmaster, Jason Oliver, is currently brewing five different beers that will soon be released.
The bar area inside DBBC.
The bar area inside DBBC.
Workers assemble furniture inside the restaurant.
Workers assemble furniture inside the restaurant.

We’ll keep you updated a the opening nears!



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