BPL Installation To Resume Next Monday (9-29) In Nelson

Screenshot from the IBEC BPL Website
Screenshot from the IBEC BPL Website

As we have been following over the past several months, IBEC crews have been working to bring broadband internet to portions of Nelson County, Virginia. A series of delays, including hurricanes and installation delays by Verizon on lines that hook to IBEC’s equipment have greatly delayed the implementation of the system.

Yesterday we received a short reply to our e-mail requesting updated information placed on September 17th:

From: tommy.stafford
Subject: BPL Nelson
Date: September 17, 2008 9:21:33 AM EDT
To: amanda.langley

Hi Amanda,

Do you have any additional information on the crews for Nelson. I am assuming they may be down in TX for awhile from the looks of the news accounts.

Thanks so much for keeping us updated so we can pass it on.


Tommy Stafford
Nelson County LIfe Magazine
The Afton Group, LLC
P.O. Box 455
Wintergreen, Virginia 22958-0445

From: amanda.langley
Subject: Crews
Date: September 22, 2008 1:42:35 PM EDT
To: tommy.stafford


The crews will be back on 9/29/2008 to begin deploying again.

Amanda Davis-Langley
Customer Service Manager

“Amy W”, an NCL reader also confirmed what we were told in the above email – in her comment posted this morning.

In their defense, the crews have been working long hours in terrible conditions trying to restore power to folks that need electricity far more than we need internet. We know they will be as glad to get the service up and running here, as we all will to have it!

Good luck to them all and welcome back to Nelson next week!


  1. Tommy,

    Can you ask IBEC what other substations will be or will not be included in the entire planned deployment? Also, can you ask what is the expected schedule for deploying to the other substations?

    I live in eastern Nelson near Howardsville and am served by the Schuyler substation which is located in Albemarle. Does that mean that I am going to be totally left out of the BPL deployment? If not, is this something I can hope for next year or will it be several years before deployment is completed?



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