MONDAY WEATHER : Partly Sunny : PM T-Storm : Better Chances For Rain Mid To Late Week


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine

Jeff Stone Sunset
Photography By Jeff Stone
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Sunset At Three Ridges
Nellysford, Virginia

Today’s weather and is brought to you exclusively by:
am fog 4.16.08-A

-Cantaloupes $1 this week.

-The first of the Silver KING corn. $5 per dozen 6 for $2.50 otherwise .50 cents each.
Bi-color corn also available.

-Fall Mums (is it fall already?!?!?!) come get some color!

-Broccoli & Cabbage starts for your fall garden.

-Delfosse Wine Tasting Every Thursday in September 5-8pm

-Scheduling Hay Rides & Pumpkin Picking Day Trips for school and daycare groups.

Homestead Creamery milk available in the farm market at a.m. Fog. This is the real thing in those familiar glass bottles. It gets delivered fresh every Wednesday!

You can always visit them on the web at or call ’em at 540-456-7100

Rainfall totals as of 11:59 PM EDT Sunday night:

SUNDAY High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 91°/61° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 17.17″
SUNDAY High / Low at NCL-TWNF on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 75°/60° – RAIN 0.00″ – YTD: 24.62″
SUNDAY High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : N/A°/N/A°– RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 24.83″
SUNDAY High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 89°/64° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 22.37″
SUNDAY High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 89°/64° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 18.25″

Thanks to Jeff Stone over at Wintergreen Winery for today’s weather photo. This is another really great sunset, think this one is at Three Ridges. We’ve been having some spectacular ones lately, and appreciate Jeff sending this one our way!

The weather over the weekend was pretty much as forecast, warm and dry with no rain.

Today we’ll have chances for isolated afternoon thunderstorms as a cold front works through the area, passing to our south, stalling, then returning as a warm front later in the week. This keeps chances for thunderstorms in the forecast off and on starting Wednesday. If remnants of Fay make her way here, that will interact with the front giving us better chances for much needed rain.

We also continue to watch two other tropical disturbances out in the Atlantic for possible impact on U.S. weather by next weekend.

Temperatures remain pleasant in the upper 70’s to lower 80’s after today’s readings in the 90’s.

Eastern U.S. Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Three Ridges, Midway Mills, Amherst, Faber.

MONDAY: Partly sunny & hot with isolated afternoon thunderstorms.
* Highs Valley: 90-93°
*On the mountains: 76-79°
*Winds: SW 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Evening Isolated T-Storms, then partly cloudy & milder. Lows valley: 60-63° : Mountains: 54-57° : Winds: W 5-10 MPH becoming N 10-15 MPH after midnight.

TUESDAY: Mostly sunny & milder.
* Highs Valley: 79-82°
*On the mountains: 70-73°
*Winds: NE 10-15 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Partly cloudy early then mostly cloudy. Lows valley: 58-61° : Mountains: 50-53° : Winds: NE-5 MPH becoming L & V


WED: M/C Showers 76/62
THU: M/C T-Showers 78/63
FRI: M/C T-Showers 81/64
SAT: P/S T-Showers 82/62
SUN: P/S 81/63

All mountain temperatures in the extended period roughly 10-15 degrees cooler than those listed in the valley for afternoon highs.

Have a great Monday!


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