MONDAY WEATHER : Sunny & Hot : Much, Much Hotter Mid-Week With PM Thunderstorms


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine

Meander Horse Clouds
Photography By Tommy Stafford
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Horses At The Meander Inn
Nellysford, Virginia

Today’s weather and is brought to you exclusively by:
am fog 4.16.08-A

I was chatting with Ken Harris of a.m. Fog on the phone recently and he told me about one of the neatest things that’s just happened over at their place on the Albermarle / Nelson line along Route 151. Yea, we all know them for their great nursery and greenhouse products, but now they are also carrying one of Nelson’s favorite and award winning wines from Delfosse Vineyard & Winery at Faber, Virginia over near Hickory Creek.
delfosse pic

Last month they begin “Thirsty Third Thursdays” wine tasting, at a.m. Fog. The next one is scheduled for August 21st.

And yea, we told you first about Homestead Creamery milk a few weeks ago. That’s available in the farm market at a.m. Fog. This is the real thing in those familiar glass bottles. It gets delivered fresh every Wednesday!

And to celebrate a.m. Fog’s 5 years in business, all trees & shrubs are 50% off. Folks this won’t happen again until their 10 year anniversary, so get ’em while you can.

Yvonne says, new shipments of corn arrive every Tuesday and Friday plus they’re picking loads of green beans, cukes, zukes, & squash. Tomatoes & peppers are just starting to come in along with ORGANICALLY grown and conventional peaches too.

You can always visit them on the web at or call ’em at 540-456-7100

Rainfall totals as of 11:59 PM EDT Sunday night:

SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 89°/64° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 16.97″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-TWNF on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 78°/58° – RAIN 0.00″ – YTD: 24.44″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : 89°/59°– RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 24.67″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 89°/65° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 21.31″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 89°/65° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 16.93″

Before I get started, lots taking place this past weekend. You can see everything under recent posts that we gathered up! That’ll be going up throughtout the day. And … what a great shot I grabbed on the way down Berry Hill Road this past weekend. That’s the horses grazing in the pasture just below the Meander Inn B & B, and one of those huge thunderstorms off in the distance. Made for a very pretty photo!

The first part of the weekend was a hot one with upper 90’s for many folks and not a lot of widespread rain. But, on Saturday, isolated thunderstorms moved through the area bringing the southern and eastern part of the county a little rain. NCL-Hatcreek farm at Roseland picked up .08 inches on Saturday and to the east at NCL-Tiger Fuel in Lovingston, they got just under a 1/5th of an inch at .18″. Given the very low amounts of rain we had in July, this wasn’t much but, anything’s better than nothing.

Today will be sunny just like Sunday was, with increasing temperatures. We’ll easily make the lower 90’s today in the valley with temps around 80° on the mountains. It’s tomorrow and Wednesday when it will get really hot! Tuesday we’ll be near 100° in the valley and Wednesday still in the low & mid 90’s but with an increasing chance for thunderstorms possibly creeping into portions near and west of the BRP by Tuesday around noon and east in the afternoon and evening. Once that system moves through, temps moderate back into the mid and upper 80’s for daytime highs, cooling to the lower 80’s by the weekend.

Just a reminder, fast forward 60 days and we’re already into October and much cooler fall like weather, so hang on!

Eastern U.S. Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Nellysford, Crozet, Tyro, and Hickory Creek.

MONDAY: Sunny & hot, humidity returns.
* Highs Valley: 91-94°
*On the mountains: 79-82°
*Winds: W-5 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Mostly clear and mild. Lows valley: 68-71° : Mountains: 59-62° : Winds: E-5 MPH becoming L & V

TUESDAY: Mostly sunny & very, very hot!! An afternoon or evening thunderstorm.
* Highs Valley: 98-101°
*On the mountains: 88-91°
*Winds: W 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Partly cloudy with scattered t-storms, warm. Lows valley: 69-72° : Mountains: 64-67° : Winds: W 5-10 MPH


WED: P/S 92/67
THU: P/S T-Storms 84/64
FRI: M/C T-Storms 84/63
SAT: P/S 83/61
SUN: P/S PM T-Storms 82/61

All mountain temperatures in the extended period roughly 10-15 degrees cooler than those listed in the valley.

Have a great Monday!


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