WEEKEND WEATHER : SUMMER BEGINS : Mild With Afternooon & Evening T-Storms Through Monday


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


TS-Farmers Mkt 6/2008
Photography By Tommy Stafford
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Nelson Farmers Market
Nellysford, Virginia

Today’s weather and is brought to you exclusively by:
am fog 4.16.08-A

I was talking to Yvonne Harris over at a.m. Fog just the other day. You hear about about her and Ken every morning on our webcast. They’re just up the road on the Nelson-Albemarle County Line on Route 151. She was telling me they already have zucchini & squash. Yep Homer it’s true!

And for a limited time Big Seeded Watermelons are only $4.00. You know it’s summer when you start talking watermelons, picnics, and swimming!
-Lettuce buches $1.00.
-Petunias 50% off, until all gone.
-All other annuals 25% off, not including hanging baskets.
Mention NCL’s weather report when you stop by, you’ll get 25% off any tree purchase until the end of June.

In their produce report Yvonne says, they are currently fresh picking sweet cherries, raspberries, and mushrooms; no spray – chemical free – just what nature and fish emulsion gives us. Which begs the question… What’s in your food??? You have to be careful about what you feed yourself and your kids these days, been paying attention to the news lately?

And just across the road at Blue Mountain Brewery they’re serving a cherry/chocolate/goat cheese crumble made with amFOG cherries. Now that is yummy!

When you meet folks like Ken and Yvonne you just can’t help but like ’em. They’re the real deal.

And they want to thank you for making this a spectacular spring! They’re looking forward to a stellar growing season and bumper crops from the fields. Things are changing all the time at amFOG…keep your ears open and stop in to see ’em.

And don’t forget to Mention NCL’s weather report when you stop by, you’ll get that 25% off any tree purchase until the end of June.

You can always visit them on the web at www.amfog.net or call ’em at 540-456-7100

THURSDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 85°/50° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 15.27″
THURSDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 69°/52° – RAIN 0.00″ – YTD: 22.03″
THURSDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : 81°/49°– RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 20.77″
THURSDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 83°/51° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 9.07″
THURSDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 83°/54° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 8.42″

The week ended and the first day of summer will kick off with more mild weather leaving behind that streak of 90 and 100 degree weather from a few days ago. Though we won’t see temps that warm in the coming days, we will begin to heat up slightly. Thursday was a bit warmer than earlier this week. By the end of next week we’ll be back in the real summer weather with temps returning to the 90’s.

Should be a nice Saturday to go over to the Nelson Farmers Market in Nellysford. Above, Foxie Morgan, displays some of the cherries from her place over at Pharsalia. There’s tons of new produce coming in all of the time now, so be sure to check it out this weekend!

We will see a return of humidity this weekend as the winds become more southerly bringing in more moisture. That gives us just enough fuel combined with daytime heating to fire those scattered afternoon and evening thunderstorms across the area. These won’t ruin the weekend, but there will be some scattered around, becoming more numerous Sunday afternoon.

High pressure takes over next week and skies remain mostly sunny with temps near 90° by next Friday.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Nellysford, Tyro, Montebello, and Crozet.

FRIDAY: Mostly sunny and seasonal. (FIRST DAY OF SUMMER) Very isolated T-storms.
* Highs Valley: 84-87°
*On the mountains: 68-71°
*Winds: W 10-15 MPH in the afternoon
*OVERNIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows valley: 58-61° : Mountains: 53-56° : Winds: SW 10-15 MPH decreasing 5 MPH after midnight

SATURDAY: Partly sunny with scattered t-storms late day.
* Highs Valley: 85-88°
*On the mountains: 73-76°
*Winds: SW 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Mostly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms. Lows valley: 58-61° : Mountains: 50-53° : Winds: SW-5 MPH


SUN: P/S T-Storm 79/60
MON : P/S T-Storm 81/60
TUE : M/S 80/60
WED: M/S 83/58
THU: P/S PM T-Storm 82/59

All mountain temperatures in the extended period roughly 10-15 degrees cooler than those listed in the valley.

Have a great weekend everyone!



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