WEATHER TUESDAY : Wintergreen And Nelson, VA : WIN FREE BAND FAIR TICKETS TODAY! : Mostly Sunny & Warmer :


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


Photography By Milly Colella
For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Clouds Over The Mountains
Nellysford, Virginia

Today’s weather and is brought to you exclusively by:
am fog 4.16.08-A

AM Fog New BLdg
The new farm market at a.m. Fog in Afton.

Not long ago I went back to Tennessee to visit my folks on the farm. You’ve heard me talk about my days back there as a kid. They were some mighty good ones, just like my grown up days here in the mountains. I was remembering this old man that lived across the road by the name of, Son Johnson. I’d always walk up to his house and remember those chickens running all over the place. He was farm raising eggs and meat long before it was trendy. Just good, down home, quality food.

Ken and Yvonne Harris at a.m. Fog on the Nelson-Albemarle County Line along Route 151 in Afton do the same thing.

My old friend Son is long gone these days. His house isn’t even there anymore, but Ken and Yvonne’s is. Right now they have spinach, kale, brocoli, cabbage and veggie start, 6 kinds of lettuce, 26 types of heirloom tomatoes, plus sweet peppers, and a big selection of HOT peppers! Heck for your Hawaiian flair how about pineapple, and back home…maybe a little watermelon!

And look what else they have: asparagus, lettuce, cucumbers, STRAWBERRIES, strawberry onions (the best!!!), roasting potatoes, Idaho potatoes, carrots, green peppers, farm eggs, meat, and fresh baked bread.

And yea, my buddy, the trusty:
-Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention the countless other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with fruit trees ready for planting.

The beautiful new farm market is OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOW, and just on the horizon, hot teas, coffee, muffins, and bread while you take a look around.

If you do the WWW thing you can visit them on the web at If you don’t, they are the kind of folks who still answer the phone, now there’s a concept! Call ’em at 540-456-7100.

Rain totals as of 11:00 PM EDT Monday night:

MONDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 62°/47° – RAIN : 0.16″ – YTD: 13.41″
MONDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 42°/34° – RAIN 0.33″ – YTD: 19.29″
MONDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : 60°/45° – RAIN : 0.25″ – YTD: 19.23″
MONDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : n/a°/n/a° – RAIN : 0.00″
MONDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 60°/46° – RAIN : 0.10″ – YTD: 8.30″ (estimated rainfall)

Wow! Do we ever have so much to cover after being away for so long. We thought we’d be able to get back with our regular weathercast yesterday, but mother nature had something else in mind! Heavy rains in MD caused satellite outages much of Sunday evening so we couldn’t upload our files. Thankfully that’s behind us today and we’re back in the saddle!

Before I get off into weather let me talk a little about an event coming up this weekend at Cardinal Point Winery and Vineyard. It’s called Band Fair, the 6th one!. This is a big fund raiser for North Branch School in Afton. And let me tell you it’s a great day of fun and music! If you’re a regular to our morning weathercast, you heard some of the upcoming entertainment for Band Fair. Andy Waldeck and his wife Jenn Rhubright (Jive Katza) will be there. You can hear some of their music at the end of today’s weather. We’ll be featuring them the rest of the week into the weekend. The Pinching Cindies and Stereotype will be there as well. All of the details are on the electronic flier above.

A real special treat too. I have right in my little hands here, two adult tickets and one family pass for that day. The first two folks that e-mail: and say “I want to go to Band Fair” can get the passes for free! Yep you heard me right. We’re giving away the two adult passes to somebody and then the family pass to someone else. Just e-mail us now at that address, and give us your name and phone number. I’ll announce the winners on our Wednesday morning cast. We’ll e-mail or call you back to tell you how to pick up the tickets! Heck, even if you don’t want to go personally, they’re a great gift to pass on to someone that will! Now that’s a deal!

OK, on to weather! What a crazy several days it’s been. Temps last night in the upper 30’s on the mountains! Last week I was in West Tennessee where the weather was spectacular, usually that’s where all of the tornados are buzzing around, instead we were getting them back here all over Virginia! I spent the last part of my visit at Kentucky Lake about and hour west of Nashville.

Click image for larger photo

I was introducing my longtime friend Burnie back there, to some of Nelson’s finer spirits! Yep Rockfish Wheat from Blue Mountain Brewery made the trip to Tennessee!

While we were enjoying nice weather on the lake, Virginia was getting hit with some torrential storms and rains. Many locations here in Nelson have racked nearly 4 inches of rain in the last week, much of that in one night! For the year we are already near 20 inches in many locations.

We get a break for the next 48 hours and actually see some improving weather for a change. Skies will be mostly sunny today with warmer temperatures Tuesday and Wednesday before rain becomes our best friend again for the second half of the week. Thankfully, temperatures hold up to near 70° even during the rainy days to come. No ultra cold or warm weather is in the extended forecast period.

The weekend, unfortunately, has chances for rain as well, though not a complete washout at this time, but more the spotty variety. We’ll check that more closely as we get toward Friday.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Nellysford, Afton, Lovingston, and Crozet.

TUESDAY: Mostly sunny and warmer.
* Highs Valley: 69-72°
*On the mountains: 58-61°
*Winds: N 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Clear and cool. Lows valley: 44-47° : Mountains: 42-45° : Winds: E-5 becoming SW after midnight.

WEDNESDAY: Sunny in the morning then partly sunny in the afternoon. Even warmer.
* Highs Valley: 74-77°
*On the mountains: 67-70°
*Winds: SW 10-15 MPH.
*OVERNIGHT: Mostly cloudy with showers after midnight. Lows valley: 53-56° : Mountains: 51-54° : Winds: SW 5-10 MPH

The remainder of the week has chances for showers everyday through next Sunday. Daytime highs near 70° valley and around lower 60’s mountains.

Andy Waldeck takes us out with one of his CD cuts called Ordinary Men.

Don’t forget about our ticket giveaway to the first two folks who e-mail us so you can go to Band Fair this coming Sunday for FREE!

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Andy Vertical
Learn more about Andy by clicking here.


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