Wintergreen, VA Weather : Tuesday : Mostly Cloudy, Showers Overnight : Rainy, Warmer & Windy Wednesday


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


Photography By Tommy Stafford
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Sneaky Leprechaun Visits Rockfish River Elementary
Afton, Virginia



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If you’re like most of us today, you’re getting a bit concerned about just exactly where your food comes from, not to mention how much it costs just to make the trip to pick it up! With gas over $3.00 a gallon that trip to the big grocery to save a few pennies doesn’t seem to make as much CENTS anymore! Ken and Yvonne Harris have the answer to both of those concerns. One, they either grow right on the farm or they buy as close to the farm as possible. And you don’t have to drive very far either. They’re just up the road on Route 151 at the Nelson – Albemarle County Line in Afton.

When you stop by you’ll find:

-Hydroponic tomatoes and cucumbers
-On Farm & Locally Grown Lettuce
-Local, organically Raised Farm Eggs
-Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention all of the other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with lots of fruit trees ready for the spring planting! Spring begins this Thursday, can you believe it’s already here!

And coming soon, that new farm market under construction now, featuring hot teas & coffee, muffins, and bread. They’re open now, but be looking for the grand opening of the new and larger farm market in just a few days!

Visit them on the web at or call them at 540-456-7100.

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Click the image above for the ski and slope conditions at Wintergreen Resort.

Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 57°/30° – RAIN MARCH: 3.06″
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 48°/19° – RAIN MARCH: 3.79.”
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : °56/24° – RAIN MARCH: 4.82″
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Winery @ Beech Grove, VA : 55°/26° – RAIN MARCH: 4.10″
Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 55°/30° – RAIN: 0.00″ Monthly Total Currently Unavailable
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 56°/32° – RAIN MARCH: 1.55″
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Mini Tara Vineyards @ Arrington, VA : 52°/N/A° – RAIN: 0.00 Monthly Total Currently Unavailable

Looks like a sneaky leprechaun made his way into one of the classrooms over at Rockfish River Elementary School in Afton during St. Patrick’s Day! Students there in the photo at the top of today’s weather arrived Monday morning to find the green footprints across one of the desks! Mmmmm, maybe he was looking for “me” pot of gold coins! Actually folks at RRES had a great Career Day Monday where they learned all about different jobs they might one day grow up to be a part of. You can view the pics by clicking here.

And not to be out done on St. Patty’s, the crew over at The Hamner Theater in the RVCC had a St. Patrick’s Day Party, complete with food and lots of music. You can view all of the fun here! They always have lots of great events, so be sure to check out what’s happening on their site.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful weather wise. Temps weren’t cold, but it certainly wasn’t a very warm day either. Cool breezes made it feel a bit chilly unless you were out in the direct sunlight. By late afternoon, clouds began moving in and we ended the day mostly cloudy. Overnight you could call it mostly cloudy, with an occasional peek of stars now and then.

Today marks the beginning of some pretty dramatic changes for the next 24-36 hours. Tuesday will be mostly cloudy with temps about where they were Monday in the lower 50’s. The one thing that may change that is a developing warm front. If it get through the area we could see substantially warmer temps. By Tuesday night, showers and winds begin working in, we may actually see a sprinkle around dusk, but the more widespread showers begin after dark heading toward Wednesday morning.

Wednesday looks to be a rainy day with mild temps near 70° in spite of the rain and clouds. We could easily see wind gusts of near 40 MPH throughout the day.

There’s even a chance of thunderstorms later in the day and the slight potential for some of them to become severe by Wednesday night as mentioned in the Hazardous Weather Outlook:


I don’t think we’ll see much in the way of severe weather as it looks like most of it will form east and south of Nelson, but it is worth a mention and we’ll keep an eye on it between now and then.

By Thursday skies begin to clear and temps cool a tad for the next several days. Light snow may actually reenter the forecast again by Sunday night into Monday. Not much to be excited about, but just a reminder that winter is still trying to kick Spring around just a little bit.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Afton, Arrington, Crozet, and Colleen

Tuesday: Mostly cloudy. Some light showers possible late day.
* Highs Valley: 53-56° (If a warm front makes it through the area temps will warm several more degrees)
*On the mountains: 44-47°
*Winds: S 10-15 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Cloudy with scattered rain showers developing. Becoming windy. Lows valley: 43-46° : Mountains: 39-42° : Winds: S 10-15 gusts to 35 MPH

Wednesday: Rainy, windy & warm. T-Showers possible late day & evening.
* Highs Valley: 68-71°
*On the mountains: 63-66°
*Winds: SW 15-20 MPH gusts to 40 MPH in the afternoon
*OVERNIGHT: Showers in the evening with isolated thundershowers. Showers after midnight. Lows valley: 38-41° : Mountains: 34-37° : Winds: SW 10-15 becoming W 10-20 after midnight with gusts to 40 MPH.

The rest of the week has lingering early morning showers Thursday then becoming partly sunny, cool & breezy. Highs valley mid 50’s and near 50° mountains. Friday looks sunny with highs in the mid 50’s below and again near 50° mountains. The weekend looks variably cloudy with mid 50’s Saturday and upper 40’s Sunday.

Snow and or rain is possible Sunday night into Monday.

One of our past favorites heard here at NCL, Jeff Vogelgesang, takes us out with Washington County from his On The Lam CD.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Jeff Wedding Performances
Want to have Jeff & The Honeybirds play at your special event, click on the image above to find out how!

Jeff Cover

Jeff Back Cover

See more about Jeff and his music by clicking here and on his CD covers above.


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