Wintergreen, VA Weather : Monday : Sunny & Fair : Rain By Tuesday PM : Congrats to NCHS Govs State Winners!


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


Photography By Yvette Stafford
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
NCHS Govs Basketball Team Takes State Championship
Richmond, Virginia

Govs Trophy-YS

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If you’re like most of us today, you’re getting a bit concerned about just exactly where your food comes from, not to mention how much it costs just to make the trip to pick it up! With gas over $3.00 a gallon that trip to the big grocery to save a few pennies doesn’t seem to make as much CENTS anymore! Ken and Yvonne Harris have the answer to both of those concerns. One, they either grow right on the farm or they buy as close to the farm as possible. And you don’t have to drive very far either. They’re just up the road on Route 151 at the Nelson – Albemarle County Line in Afton.

When you stop by you’ll find:

-Hydroponic tomatoes and cucumbers
-On Farm & Locally Grown Lettuce
-Local, organically Raised Farm Eggs
-Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention all of the other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with lots of fruit trees ready for the spring planting! Spring begins this Thursday, can you believe it’s already here!

And coming soon, that new farm market under construction now, featuring hot teas & coffee, muffins, and bread. They’re open now, but be looking for the grand opening of the new and larger farm market in just a few days!

Visit them on the web at or call them at 540-456-7100.

Govs Court RIC-YS

Congrats to the NCHS Governors Varsity Basketball Team for taking home the state championship win this past weekend in Richmond. They beat out Surry by a score of 50-47 to capture the title in their division. NCL has been all over the tournaments for the past several weeks. You can see lots more of our coverage from this weekend by clicking here and here.

We want to say a special thanks to Judy Serkes of Woods Mill for keeping us posted on every move the team has made this past season, and for the pictures she sent in to us during much of the play. Thanks again Judy!

Congrats again to the team for a fantastic season and win this past weekend!

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Click the image above for the ski and slope conditions at Wintergreen Resort.

Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 61°/38° – RAIN MARCH: 3.06″
Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 47°/21° – RAIN MARCH: 3.79.”
Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : °59/33° – RAIN MARCH: 4.82″
Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Winery @ Beech Grove, VA : 58°/37° – RAIN MARCH: 4.10″
Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 58°/38° – RAIN: 0.00″ Monthly Total Currently Unavailable
Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 57°/38° – RAIN MARCH: 1.55″
Sunday’s High / Low at NCL-Mini Tara Vineyards @ Arrington, VA : 62°/40° – RAIN: 0.00 Monthly Total Currently Unavailable

A touch of winter made a brief return over the weekend both in temperatures and precipitation. Just a tad of snow fell on the mountains as the rain came to an end very early Sunday morning. Our weather watcher, John Taylor, on the mountains dropped us a quick note yesterday:

“We had a light dusting of snow overnight most of which has melted.
No icing apparent at this altitude”

John’s around 3500 feet, but obviously no problems on Sunday and certainly not today. Thanks for checking in John, he always keeps posted on the mountain weather.

Monday started really chilly with some of the coldest temps we’ve seen in several days. Today will warm up nicely, with even warmer temps by mid-week, but also a chance for rain again starting as early as Tuesday night. Rain continues Wednesday with even a chance for an isolated thundershower.

By the first day of Spring on Thursday, look for partly sunny skies and temps in the mid 50’s. Right now Easter Weekend looks partly sunny with temps in the mid 50’s to lower 60’s.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Lovingston, Love, Tyro, and Crozet

Monday: Sunny & fair.
* Highs Valley: 55-58°
*On the mountains: 50-53°
*Winds: N 10-15 MPH becoming NE 5-10 MPH in the afternoon.
*OVERNIGHT: Variably cloudy. Lows valley: 32-35° : Mountains: 31-34° : Winds: SE-5 MPH

Tuesday: Partly sunny with increasing clouds in the afternoon, a shower possible early evening.
* Highs Valley: 59-62°
*On the mountains: 54-57°
*Winds: SE 10-15 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Cloudy with widely scattered showers. Lows valley: 45-48° : Mountains: 44-47° : Winds: S 5-10

The rest of the week has rain and possibly a thundershower in the forecast Wednesday and Wednesday night. Highs Wednesday in the upper 60’s valley and low 60’s mountains. By Thursday rain ends and temps cool a bit to the mid 50’s valley and around 50° mountains.

One of our favorites here, Robin Wynn takes us out with Hate How I Love You So.

Have a great Monday everyone!

You can check out and buy all of Robin’s latest CD releases here.

Whether playing solo, or accompanied by her six-piece band, Robin Wynn’s shows are marked with high energy and good spirits, with her distinctive, smooth-like-honey/sharp-as-a-tack vocals cresting the wave. With her ear for hooks, Robin writes music you swear you’ve heard before, yet is always unique and fresh, often drawing comparisons to Bonnie Raitt and Lucinda Williams at her most “Americana,” Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) and Liz Phair at her rockingest.

A hard-working bunch of players, Robin and her band performed over a hundred shows up and down the east coast in 2006, gathering enthusiasts at every stop. Bandmates include Lea Calvani (Dirty Dishes) on percussion and vocals, John Allietta (Thrum, Naked Puritans) on drums, Clayton Avent (Six Day Bender) on cello and guitar, Blake Wheeler (Bleak, Goldenhour) on bass and vocals, and Mark Goldstein on guitar, keyboards, and vocals.

Spring 2007 marks the release of Robin Wynn’s latest studio achievement “A Few Dusty Miles,” a full-length CD of eleven new songs which includes such favorites from her recent tour dates as the sultry ballad “Bottle,” the quirky half-time rag “Sweet Sally,” and “Soldier,” an instant pop classic that will stay in your head for days – and is also available to listen on her page at


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