Faber : Special Weather Request from reader


Okay we just couldn’t help but laugh when we got this e-mail:

I hope you don’t shoot us for putting it here Susan, but this is too funny!

From: “Susan B. Viemeister”
Date: November 20, 2007 10:21:50 AM EST
To: , Yvette Stafford
Subject: Weather Request

Hi Tommy,


Could you please arrange for sunny, clear skies and temperatures about 58
degrees or above for this Saturday and Sunday please? I understand you are
the “go to” man for weather. Our Winter Marketeers would be very
appreciative of whatever effect you could have on this matter.

Thank you,

Your avid reader,

Susan Viemeister
Garden Trade

2nd Annual Winter Market
Sat. and Sun. Nov. 24th and 25th
Weekend after Thanksgiving
jewelry, photography and paintings, sculpture, canine fashion and treats,
baked goods, dried arrangements, wreaths, Christmas trees,
herbal products, meats and cheeses, and more.
Music Saturday: Bill and Linda Staton
Music Sunday: The Deer Creek Boys
GARDEN TRADE nursery and garden shop
W-F 10-6
Sat 9-5
Sun 12-5
71 River Road, Faber, VA 22938
Phone: 434-263-8786


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