Datebook : Lovingston : Senator Webb Staff to Hold Satellite Office Hours : 10-26-07


Senator Webb Staff to Hold Satellite Office Hours
Friday, October 26, 2007

“Webb Sites” to Expand Constituent Services in Remote Locations

Earlier this year, Senator Jim Webb announced the creation of “Webb Sites,” satellite office-hour locations where Virginians will have the opportunity to speak with a representative of the Senator’s staff in their local communities.

A “Webb Site” will be held in 2 locations on Friday, October 26, 2007. These sessions are designed to assist constituents in Amherst and Nelson Counties and the surrounding communities with difficulties relating to Social Security and Medicare benefits, veterans’ benefits, legal immigration, federal student loans, military service, and other federally-related matters.

In addition to Senator Webb’s district offices around Virginia, the “Webb Sites” program offers additional face-to-face contact with staff representatives and aims to provide access to constituents traveling from long distances. These locations are targeted at constituents living in Nelson and Amherst Counties.

“Constituent service is deeply important to me and my staff,” said Senator Webb. “My new ‘Webb Sites’ program is designed to make my Senate office more accessible to the people of Virginia.”

Representatives from Senator Webb’s office will help constituents complete casework inquiry and privacy forms so that assistance can be properly conducted in keeping with federal law. Constituents are asked to bring copies of all pertinent information regarding their cases in order to facilitate a timely response. For citizens who wish to work on another person’s behalf, the constituent with the actual concern must provide written permission for such action.

Here are details for upcoming “Webb Sites”:

9:00 AM-11:00 AM
The Nelson Center
8445 Thomas Nelson Highway
Highway 29
Lovingston, VA 22949

Friday, October 26, 2007
2:00 PM-4:00
Amherst County Public Library
382 S. Main Street
Amherst, Virginia 24521

For more information about “Webb Sites” in your area, please visit: <>; or call Louise Ware at 804 771-2221.


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