Wintergreen : International Wine Festival : Art’s & Craft’s Show


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE for the latest updates:Photography by Christina Kline
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Wintergreen Mountain, Virginia
    Delfosse booth

    If you like wine, then you were at the right place this Labor Day weekend at the International Wine Festival at Wintergreen Mountain. Wintergreen Performing Arts puts on the event each year. Folks explored wines from around the world including, Australia, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

    Robert & Angela
    Here, Robert Cole and Angela Harris try out one of the countless wines at the festival.

    Crowd at Festival
    The festival is one of the most popular on the mountain bringing in lots of people to try out the vino!

    Don’t forget to attend WPA’s Oktoberfest later this month too. It’s September 22nd!

    In addition to the wine fest, folks on the mountain were treated to a huge arts and crafts show for the Labor Day weekend complete with live entertainment.

    Craft booth
    Someone stops to check out one of the many booths at the event.

    Jeff Decker Jazz Band
    The Jeff Decker Jazz Band entertained people during the craft fair and wine festival.


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