Beech Grove : Wintergreen Winery holds annual Romp, Stomp, & Chomp with video


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE for the latest updates:Photography & video by Tommy Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Wintergreen Winery
    Beech Grove / Wintergreen, Virginia

    Labor Day weekend signals many things, but it always means the annual Romp, Stomp, & Chomp event at Wintergreen Winery at the foot of Wintergreen Mountain. The weather was perfect,” says Tam Stone. She and husband Jeff have owned the winery for years just off of 664 headed up the mountain. “This is a chance for kids and adults to come out and have a great time, but don’t worry we don’t make wine with what’s stomped,” laughs Jeff.

    stomp close
    This requires a little cleaning afterwards!

    grape feet
    Grape feet!

    Jeff Hose
    Good thing Jeff is standing by with a hose!

    stomp sign
    This looks like way too much fun!

    Video clip of the stomping!


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