Nelson County Summer Festival – Pics Here – Great Weekend!


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    Banner courtesy of Nelson County Summer Festival

    If you didn’t make it out to the Nelson County Summer Festival this past weekend you missed a great time. The weather was perfect, not to cool, not too hot, it was juuuuust right!

    Here’s some of what you missed. And a big thank you to NCL’s Yvette Stafford, isn’t she just a great photographer, I mean realy, really great. OK, I have to say that too you know. But really she is! And NCL’s Paul Purpura, he was out there on Sunday catching some shots as well. OK, Paul is a really great photographer too! But he doesn’t have quite as much control, uh influence over me as Yvette.

    Now the pics……

    Photography by Paul Purpura
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Nelson County Summer Festival @ Oak Ridge Estate
    Arrington, Virginia


    wine tents


    This is too cool for school!

    Is that the Honey-Do-Handyman behind those Foster Grants? I don’t think the sunglasses can even make Chris Barksdale incognito, looks like he was enjoying the tunes and one of the many wines at the festival. He’s the guy in June’s NCL page 32 lower left. Call him, he really is good at all of that stuff!

    Photography by Yvette Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Nelson County Summer Festival @ Oak Ridge Estate
    Arrington, Virginia

    Kid on horse

    Wtg wine tasting-2
    Mmmm, Wintergreen Winery was one of many wineries splasing the wine for hundreds wanting to taste local wines!

    Crystal Hilltop
    Isn’t that Crystal from Hilltop Berry Farm & Winery pouring up the spirits?

    Family on blanket

    Ubon cooking
    If you know Ubon from Thai Mex II in Nellysford, then you know she’s grilling. This past weekend was no exception! She was grilling up the meat and folks were loving it!

    Boy dancing



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