Wintergreen – Chamber and WRPP hold get together


    Photography by Tommy Stafford
    Nelson County LIfe Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Wintergreen Mountain, Virginia

    Tuesday evening folks from around the county strolled up the hill to the Mountain Inn at Wintergreen Resort for a get together co-sponsored by the Nelson Chamber of Commerce and Wintergreen Resort Premier Properties. The event gave folks from all parts of the county to get together and visit.

    Delane & Thomasina
    Above Delaine Kaplan and Thomasina Shealey of WRPP strike a pose for the camera while visiting at the Grist Mill inside the Mountain Inn.

    David & Dick
    Here, David Brooks of Shipman chats it up with Dick Gilliland of the Chamber of Commerce. In the backgrond Dan and Ubon Herlong of Thai Mex II Restaurant in Nellysford, along with other business owners, meet and greet during the event.

    The Nelson Chamber of Commerce holds the event monthly at a different location throughout the county.


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