Wintergreen Nature Foundation – NCL Weather Station Outage – STATUS – resolved


Update: 4.30.07 3:17 PM EDT
NCL-TWNF is back up and running- Jennifer Jenkins just e-mailed from there and said the wireless router problem is corrected.
Thanks Jen!

We are aware of the NCL-TWNF outage at Devil’s Knob. I just spoke to them a few minutes ago and understand they have had a wireless router failure on site. The weather station is working properly, but cannot report to the internet due to the outage. They have a call into a technician and the station will be back up and running as soon as their wireless connection there is resolved.

We are also aware that NCL-WINTERGREEN WINERY is offline as well, their problems are dialup internet related.

Though we own the actual weather gathering stations, the software that allows you to see this on the internet generally sits on the computer owned by that establishment. If they encounter a problem – our equipment mounted there is not able to properly report to to the internet. Though we strive to keep everything running properly, some of the problems are beyond our control and we have to wait on the resolution on that end.

Right now our station NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine and NCL-DELFOSSE WINERY are working properly.

We will keep you updated on the status.



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